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"Well, you're certainly lucky that you didn't break something, or seriously hurt yourself." Were Zo's more or less immediate words when she and Erend had been told why Nureka was limping and looking a little pained.

"Did you at least find what it was you were looking for?" Erend half-turned in his seat and looked over to where Zo, Nureka and Kotallo were standing in the middle of the room. "Please tell me you did, or else I am going to question how worth it you all going was." He crossed his arms with a frown, though he did watch Nureka turn stiffly and stare his way. He didn't see how if they failed, that their little mission was worth it, she would've got hurt for no reason whatsoever; and Erend didn't like to see his friends hurt, period.

"Yeah, I know. And yeah, we did." Nureka answered Zo and then Erend, looking between the two before jabbing a thumb in her pack's direction, it was still situated on Kotallo's back, but the straps were easy enough to spot; the brown leather standing out quite obviously amongst his grey and blue attire.

Zo sighed and waved a hand towards Nureka's room, "Go, you'll need someone to make sure you've not actually broken a rib." She couldn't help but roll her dark eyes and watch as Nureka scrunched her nose up. She'd know if she had broken a rib, it was a pain which couldn't really be mistaken for another, but Zo was trying to make light of this.

"Where's Varl and Alva?" Nureka asked while walking beside Zo to her room, it wasn't like she didn't have a stash of medicinal things in there, so Zo would have all she would need, if she needed anything.

"Believe it or not, making progress with socialising with Beta. She still hasn't exactly come up from her room, but she doesn't seem to mind too much if others visit her." Zo explained and couldn't help but sigh heavily, again, at the sight and the attempts Nureka made to get out of her armour and coat. Turning and twisting clearly hurt, so Zo shooed her hands away and took to undoing clasps and even going as far as to pop it on the mannequin training dummy nearby.

Nureka could get her coat off, Zo just smirked, surprised she didn't need complete help here. "What do they talk about?" She asked, Nureka was struggling to think of how to start a conversation with someone from the stars. It wasn't like they could talk about daily things, was it? There may have been mutual ground, but talking about imprisonment and oncoming fights didn't seem like something Beta would wish to keep raking over...

"I don't know, I don't really ask. But Varl says that she can hold a conversation when she actually opens up. Though it seems as soon as she realises she has, she goes quiet again."

Awkwardly jumping up to sit on part of her desk, Nureka reached down and undid the ties of her leather jerkin. Zo helped her pull her arms free, she did have to push the simple bindings around her chest now and then to have a proper feel and look at her spine and ribs. Nureka winced when lifting her arm slightly, and squeezed an eye shut when Zo's fingers pressed against her side.

"The good news is you've not broken anything. Bad news, you're going to be waking tomorrow seriously bruised."

"Thanks for saying it so bluntly." Nureka pouted, she couldn't have even humoured her a little here?

Zo scoffed, shaking her head and watching Nureka pull her top awkwardly back up and over her arms, she stepped forwards and helped where she could but left Nureka to tie the cords back up. "Apologies," she did sound apologetic, and look it too. "You've got enough things to dull the pain, right? Or do you need me to go out and get some supplies?" She didn't mind venturing out, fresh air sounded good really and even if Nureka didn't need anything, she was tempted to go for a walk anyway.

Nureka shook her head hesitantly, "No, I'm all good here, thank you."

Zo hummed and reached forwards to feel around her neck, she turned Nureka's head from side to side slowly before nodding. "When you landed, I think you may have tweaked something. Does it hurt to move your head?"

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