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It was strange really, how one person could be such a presence and constant for background noise, that when that person was gone, it was like this huge vacuum; Erend, Erend and his nonstop talking and mumbling to himself while reading and learning on his Focus, along with any ear-splitting music he wished to play had left a void. It also seemed incredibly weird that the place where Varl would stand and work on his Focus was just, empty. It was different with Aloy, because she was back only mere moments before going again, her presence wasn't so obviously missed within the base; within the company that resided however, yes, because of course they missed their one-woman army redheaded friend.

Nureka deposited her helmet in her room, bypassed Kotallo and made a beeline for Alva's room, the dark haired Quen looked up surprised from having the Banuk Shaman so suddenly swing around the doorframe smiling her way. "I'm cooking dinner in a bit, are you hungry?" Nureka asked while her eyes did drift around the small trinkets which were in this room. They were items which had been salvaged from Old World buildings of importance, a statue here, a statue there; some of a ship, another of...what looked like a bird in flight, Nureka wasn't going to question what the Old Ones thought art was or what was aesthetically pleasing to the eye.

Of course, the rest of the room itself was of interest, not that Nureka ventured in here often; but rows upon rows of blinking lights within consoles lined the room, a main column of light and holographic information was in the middle of the room, and this was what Alva was currently working with when Nureka appeared. "Do you need any help?" Alva asked kindly, although still sounding a little uncertain whether she truly wished to cook with Nureka, or rather, to leave the safety of her room.

Nureka got the sense that though kind and soft spoken, much like Zo, Alva could very well stick up for herself; however, Nureka also got the sense that she had become so used to being pushed to the background, that she seemed quite content to stay there, hiding away unless she was needed. Nureka, stubborn and determined as she was, couldn't get rid of those mousey habits, but she could force the poor female to talk more...to her, or anyone else, Nureka was being selfish, that and she didn't totally like silence. Awkward silence, that is, which it sometimes was with Alva, unless that was just her.

"It would be nice! At least this way we can give Zo a break. She is...well, I don't wish to say she seems to resort to a worried mother, but she does have that habit with food."

"I think it's more her doing that on purpose, to annoy Erend." Having only his own room to return to, Kotallo did venture over. He believed they were to ask Gaia for assistance but even from across the room, Kotallo heard mention of Nureka offering to cook dinner. That wasn't to say he was hesitant about her cooking, he was sure she could, but it was more he was curious to see how she was fairing with trying to pry Alva out of her shell.

Unfortunately, all that seemed to happen, and all he got was a look shot his way by Nureka when Alva just laughed awkwardly and shook her head, even hesitantly turning to look at the column behind her before looking back. "I feel like Erend hasn't quite learned that is what her intentions are." Alva said thoughtfully. Even she had witnessed the interactions between the rather loud Oseram and the quietly, yet meaningfully spoken Utaru.

"A plant-based diet isn't...that isn't for Oserams, just, no. You spend enough time around them, and you'll definitely know that." Nureka defended with a slight shrug. In all honesty, she could see why Erend would find Zo's pushing of purely almost vegetables his way irritating and unappetising. Him and his people were boisterous, kind and a bit blunt at times, but were known for a few certain things, and one of those things was definitely not being basically a vegetarian. However, the ale they brewed...Nureka's eyes widened slowly at that thought, and would it be mean if they partook in a little of Erend's home-brew without him? Perhaps yes, but at the same time...

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