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The rebels hadn't arrived by the time Kotallo managed to reach the Grove, that was both a blessing and a curse; only in part due to the fact that the waiting, the anticipation of the inevitable made the air fill with a nervous tension which was palatable to everyone present. Groups from different tribes were clustered together, conversing quietly with fervent looks sent at each other and then the large doorway which was slowly starting to get barricaded in parts. The doorway was too large to fully cover, and there weren't enough materials to hand to make a fully efficient barricade in the time given. Not only that, if Regalla came with her army and numerous machines of different sizes, the barricade would get merely overran and broken down as simply as a flower crumbling underfoot.

The other Marshals were doing their best to try and conserve some sense of normalcy over those which were clearly younger, and not as fully prepared for the battle which would literally be their trial by fire. For Kotallo it was just another battle in the list of ones which he had already taken part in, yes, a part of him, a small part was niggling; there was always that part somewhere which couldn't be switched off that was common sense and practicality. In a fight, there was always someone who was better, stronger, and faster, and Kotallo had not bought his arm with him so of course seeing a maimed person he didn't doubt some rebels would try and take advantage there. Bigger fool them.

Kotallo didn't need his arm to beat sense into the senseless, he could do that very much alone with his own strength, skills and weaponry. Overkill was one thing him and his people sort of walked a thin line of sometimes, but despite this situation seemingly the perfect excuse to let loose, those which followed Regalla were disillusioned; if they registered their wrongs, there was a likelihood that if they didn't die in battle, there could be some small slither of redemption. But redemption, much like trust, would be hard won and if some decided to desert Regalla if things truly were going bad, Kotallo didn't and did find himself pitying them a little. Their journey would be a bloody hard battle to overcome, it wasn't like people were inclined to trust traitors if they just uttered a simple apology, was it?

Movement out of the corner of his eyes caught his attention, hearing his name and noticing it was Dekka, Kotallo stopped and turned to look at her. The white haired woman looked slightly relieved before frowning, Kotallo guessed all numbers counted, but he couldn't help but wonder if the Chaplain hoped that he had come with others. "Aloy has her own plan, she said that she would come, we've just got to give her time or at least distract the rebels long enough for her to get here." Kotallo explained, he easily answered Dekka's unspoken question.

"I don't doubt that she has something in mind, but I did also think she would come with you. Never mind, if what you say is true then by the Ten, I believe it; we'll do the best we can until she gets here. There's been no sightings of the rebels yet, scouts haven't reported back any movement." Dekka explained, seeing as how the older lady had seen her fair share of battles and the amount of knowledge she had procured over her years, it didn't surprise Kotallo to hear she was so aware to everything. To be honest, people probably reported to her, seeing her in the foyer of the Grove before going to tell the same information to Hekarro. Or it could be the other way around. No matter how it came about, Dekka's awareness to the situation and her abilities would be essential here.

Kotallo nodded slowly, he hoped the scouts could move fast because something told him they'd be cut down before they could even make it back. "How are the preparations going?"

Dekka tilted her head and gestured to the corridor, it seemed she too had it in mind to seek out their leader. "Everyone is as prepared as possible. It isn't like we haven't seen this day coming, it was just a matter of when. The where was always going to be here, and here we all are waiting."

Noticing a figure running towards them, Kotallo watched Ivvira catch her breath before turning slightly and looking the way she came. "Guards are posted around the perimeter; they're all getting a bit skittish mind. Not that I totally blame them." Ivvira said it all so casually and with a shrug, it was like she should be addressing the state of the weather, not an oncoming battle. But that was sort of her way, along with bouts of enthusiasm, which appeared when she suddenly grinned. "I for one can't wait to kick sense into those which turned away from us." Kotallo doubted it was just kicking she intended to do, but that was an underlining thing. "The other Marshals are with the Chief, though I think he is about to hold a meeting if you two are going?" Ivvira looked at them and asked a rather silly question considering the circumstances.

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