3rd Person Omniscient POV
Ring, ring, ring
Sapnap groans and opens his eyes. The sunlight streams through the open window. He mumbles something incoherent and feels around for his phone on the nightstand.
He picks it up and squints at the name.
Clay 😴
Why the fuck is Dream calling me?
Sapnap glances at the clock.
It's 8:37 am right now in the UK. Meaning it's 3:37 am for him right now.
He sighs and picks up.
"Hello?" His voice is still raspy.
"Sapnap!" Dream almost shouts. Sapnap groans and pulls the phone away from his ear.
"What the fuck dude? Why are you still up? Isn't it like 3 in the morning for you?" Sapnap yawns.
"Can you wake the fuck up? I need someone to talk to," Dream says. There's shuffling on the other side of the phone.
"Fine, fine." Sapnap slowly sits up and stretches before heading into the bathroom. He turns on the tap and splashes ice-cold water in his face. He jumps from the sudden contact and his eyes open, allowing the light in.
More awake now, he heads back into the room and shuts the door to avoid waking George.
"Okay, I'm awake. What is it?"
Dream pauses and there's silence on the phone.
"I just have something on my mind right now and I just need to tell someone because it's keeping me up. You up to listen?"
Dream's tone sounds serious and Sapnap bites his lip.
Dream and him have been friends for nearly a decade. He sounded genuinely worried.
"Sure dude," he smiles and puts the phone to his ear. "We can FaceTime if you want."
Silence again. He hears tapping on the other side.
The call ends and not a second later, Dream FaceTime's him. Sapnap picks up almost instantly.
He grins at Dream who's lying in bed with his long, messy locks spread across the pillow.
"You look like a wreck," Dream comments. He laughs at Sapnap's messy hair.
"Dude you woke me up. Of course." Sapnap smiles back. "So what's up?"
Dream's face drops and he glances to his right before speaking.
"You remember the TikToker that you told me to check out? U/N?"
"Well," Dream stirs his fingers against the side of his phone. "I watched some of their TikToks and found them really enjoyable. They seem really good."
"I told you it would be worth it!" Sapnap almost yells.
"Shut up and let me finish!" Dream rolls his eyes but continues. "Anyways, I tuned in to their stream and—"
"They stream?" Sapnap interrupts.
"Yes, now shut it."
Sapnap grumbles but shuts his mouth and lets Dream continue.
"I was watching their stream and it turns out that they're a girl or female. She was playing Bedwars and people were donating to ask her questions. Someone asked her name and she said it was
Y/N. Then I donated, asking if she knew Dream. She said no but people have been comparing me to her.""Dude— " Sapnap warns.
"Then she ended and I went to edit. I edited for a bit but I couldn't stop thinking of her. The smooth, gentle sound of her voice. Her light, innocent laugh—"
Dream grows quiet his gaze seems to drift away again. His eyes stare unmoving to the side and his face seems almost longing. Sapnap screams his name several times.
"Dream!" he yells.
"You good? You kind of went silent after describing her in a— creepy way."
Dream freezes and his face flushes red.
"I'm sorry. I've been kind of stalking her social media, trying to find pictures of her face but nothing."
"Dream," Sapnap warns again. "Are you falling for her?"
"That's why I'm talking to you," Dream pauses before taking another breath. "Am I? And am I being creepy?"
"Double yes," Sapnap laughs. "You can't stop thinking about her. You described her in a way you would describe a high school crush. You stalked her social media. And, zoned out with a dumbass facial expression."
"Really? What do I look like?"
Sapnap rolls his eyes with a smile. He fixes his gaze on the doorknob and gives it a glassy stare with his mouth open slightly.
"I do not look like that!" Dream yells.
Sapnap chuckles. "You do."
*Oh but author, isn't this from Controlled Love?*
Yup, my story, no copyright applies to me 😎
"Anyways, what do I do? I can't sleep. All I can think about is her. Her, her, her." Dream bangs his fist against his pillow. He flops onto it, facedown. "Whyyyyyy," he grumbles, his voice muffled.
Sapnap stays quiet. Dream never talked about anyone like this before. Only, his ex. Only when he was desperately in love. He never fell this deeply in love before or after that.
"I don't know man. Just try to focus on something else. Just remember, you're falling for her over his voice and name. She could be a really horrible person and you don't know it," he reassures.
"Yeah but," Dream sits up and sighs. "It's not just that. She's a gamer. A girl gamer. And she's good at the game."
"So? Gamer girls are your type?" Sapnap snorts.
"What?! No!" Dream's face flushes red as he panics.
"I don't know, that's what it was like with Sam.
She—"He stops and covers his mouth quickly, his eyes widening at the realization of what he just said.
Dream's face drops and he presses a hand to his cheek, his eyes start to tear.
"Oh god, I'm sorry," Sapnap apologizes. "But look. Just like— ya know— her, she can deceive you. Just be careful okay?"
Dream sniffles and rubs his eyes. He composes himself and lets out a tired yawn.
"Dude you're tired. Go to bed. Rethink this after you've had a good night's rest."
Sapnap glances at the clock. 9:30 am. He rubs his eyes tiredly.
George is probably still asleep.
"Yeah okay," Dream yawns again. "Night Sapnap. Thanks for the advice."
"No problem dude. It's morning for me though," Sapnap chuckles. "Night."
Dream chuckles too before hanging up. He places his phone on the nightstand and turns off the light.
He lays back with his head on the pillow and the covers only pulled up halfway.
Just forget about her. She's just an online girl. She might not be what she seems.
He screws his eyes shut and slowly calms his breathing. Relaxing all his muscles and slowly feels his mind drift off. Before his mind slips away, one more question burns in his mind.
What if she's hot?
1,120 words
What's your favorite thing Dream has said?
————————————>Comment any mistakes you find so I can fix them!

𝑺𝒕𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒎𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑺𝒄𝒓𝒆𝒆𝒏𝒔 - Dream x Reader
FanfictionA seemingly insignificant girl suddenly goes viral on tiktok for her redstone builds, insane skills, and clutch moments. This quickly attracts the attention of Dream's friends who begin talking about her non-stop. Dream is reluctant but decides to i...