26. Chase

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3rd Person Omniscient POV

Dream's maniacal laughter echoes throughout the house and his footsteps pound against the wood floor as he chases Y/N and Sapnap.

The two of them dash through the open patio door and slam it behind them. This only momentarily slows Dream down as he pauses to open it before sprinting into the backyard.

Now out of the cool, air-conditioned house, the air feels heavy and damp, pressing against them.

"Head for the forest!" Sapnap yells as Dream shoots at them while running.

"What?!" Y/N yells back as her feet trample the head below. They're almost at the edge of the grass, the tall trees look over them.

The man beside her grins and wipes sweat from his forehead.

"There are no rules in this game."

Almost as if communicating telepathically, they split off in two separate directions the second they enter the forest.

Y/N looks behind her shoulder to see Dream running behind her.

Of course, he chooses to chase me.

Statistically, Dream was taller, had longer legs, and was probably more athletic than her. Y/N continues running, feeling the fatigue build-up already.

Up ahead, the ground slopes down slightly. As she nears it, she notices that it's actually quite a steep hill, covered in leave and fallen branches.

She smiles and slows her pace slightly, letting Dream catch up. With her gun still in hand, she runs up to the edge of the hill and stops.

Dream smiles as he runs faster, sprinting toward her. His breathing is heavy and his dirty blond hair is damp with sweat but he couldn't care less.

When he's only a few feet away, Y/N shoots a stream of bullets in his face before throwing her gun off to the side, landing it in a pile of leaves.

As Dream dodges the bullets, he crashes full force into Y/N sending them both down the hill.

Y/N lunges out to grab one of his guns, yanking it from his grasp.

Dream lunges for it and it slips out of Y/N's grasp, sliding down the hill. Her other hand latches onto a smaller tree's trunk. The rough bark scrapes at her hand as she digs her heels into the ground, stopping her fall.

Dream on the other hand continues to tumble down the hill. The leaves fly around as he frantically grips the smooth surface to stop himself. With a thud, he lands at the bottom of the hill.

Y/N smiles as she pulls herself back to the top of the hill using the tree. She checks at the bottom to see Dream getting up and walking off.

I'm safe for now. Would have been nice to get his other gun though.

She relieves her gun from where she threw it and walks back in the direction of the house.

After about 10 minutes of walking, she realizes that she has no idea where she is. The woods seem much darker and scarier than before, the sun had gone behind the clouds.

Maybe this was a bad idea.

If I stayed with Dream maybe he could have helped me get back.

"Ah-ha!" Dream jumps out of the bushes and tackles her to the ground. "Found you!"

"Oh my god," Y/N giggles as he places a kiss on her cheek. "You scared me."

"That was the point," he laughs. Their breaths mingle together in the tight space as Dream branches himself over her with his hands on either side of her head. "Quite the trick you pulled there."

Y/N laughs nervously as he leans closer to her.

"You know I'll be after my revenge," he whispers, a smirk spreading across his face.

Y/N stares at his mesmerizing green eyes, getting herself lost in their depths.

"I can't wait until it's actually hot out," Dream breathes, a trickle of sweat dripping down his neck. "Cuz you might see me going shirtless around the house."


Y/N gasps as he leans down to plant a trail of kisses on her neck, trailing up to her jaw. She smiles and tips her head back at the feeling.

"Moving so fast are we?" she breathes out. Her hands rest on his shoulders as he places one hand on her back to help her up.

"We could go faster," he smirks as he sets her on her feet, grabbing the plastic Nerf guns that started this.

"Oh stop it," Y/N rolls her eyes as he hands her one of them and interlocks their fingers. "At least tell me you know how to get back."

"Of course," he smiles at her genuinely, crunching leaves and a few twigs under his feet. "You don't live in the most dangerous state without knowing your way around."

"Florida is dangerous?" she raises an eyebrow to which Dream laughs.

"Orlando isn't bad but where we live, the people and the nature can be," he pauses as of searching for the right word. "Unpredictable."

"Ohhhh, like?"

Dream presses his lips together as a small frown appears on his face.

"Some people like to go hunting in the woods at night. Like in the middle of the night," he sighs and lifts some low-hanging branches for them. "And some people like to set off fireworks. As for the nature, I think you can take a guess what kinds of animals we have."

"That's," Y/N starts but decides to change it. "Interesting."

"Mhm," Dream jokingly pushes her shoulder as a burst of sunlight shines up ahead. They walk through the trees and back into the backyard of the house. "And we're home."

"I wonder where Sapnap is," Y/N smiles as they pass the pool.

Dream giggles and points at the pool.

Floating face up in the middle of the aqua water is Sapnap. His eyes are closed and his clothing ripples in the water occasionally.

Y/N laughs quietly and her eyes widen as Dream chuckles. She feels him let go of her hand and turns around to see him back up.

He removes his hoodie before taking a running leap and jumping straight into the pool.

A splash of water cascades over Y/N as Dream lands WWE-style right on top of Sapnap.


1,077 words

Hey guys, how're you guys doing?

I have no school tomorrow because of Eid 😊

Comment any mistakes you find so I can fix them!

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