43. Ace Race

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3rd Person Omniscient POV

"What's it gonna be?!" Karl hops up and down in the game as the chickens are counted.

"Well it's not Battle Box," Dream mutters as he studies the chickens in each section.

Ace Race

"Okay," he lets out a breath as they begin to drop. "Okay, we got this."

"I don't get this," Y/N stays softly. She dries her hands on her shirt as the map loads in. "I don't think I practiced enough. And the vod reviewing, what if I don't know the map?"

"No you'll do great," Dream assures. "And this is the easiest one, Space Race."

"Oh right," Y/N squints at the screen, remembering the map from watching Dream's vods. "But I've never played this before, what if I mess up?"

"Y/N everyone messes up!" Karl laughs. "This game is supposed to be where you mess up the least but everyone messes up at least once."

"Even me," Tommy says.

The teams are spawned at the starting line and Y/N fights her way through the crowd to find Dream.

"This is going to be interesting," Dream says. He reaches for the keys to mute but pauses. "Y/N, if you want, just follow me."

Y/N nods although he can't see and rests her fingers on the keyboard as the countdown begins.

"Let's do this guys!" Tommy yells.

Dream shifts his chair closer to the screen as the final digits tick away.


Dream rushes forward the second the invisible barrier disappears. Using the speed pads, he makes it up the ramp with ease.

"Y/N?" he asks, hearing what sounds like Tommy swearing.

"Yeah, I'm right behind you," she says, her voice slightly strained with focus. "My hands are shaking so much right now."

"Just relax," Dream says, although his hands are slightly shakey too. "When you land in the water, trident into these hoops."

He hits the water only seconds after Illumina and Sapnap and tridents up almost instantly.

As he slides easily through the hoop, he spots Sapnap hitting the edge out of the corner of his eyes and Y/N passing him.


"Now follow these arrows," Dream instructs as the players swim through the water before tridenting toward a wall of water. "Now get up here."

"Why is my heart beating so fast?" Y/N says slightly breathlessly as Dream makes it to the top first try with Illumina still close behind.

"Adrenaline," he laughs lightly as they bounce on the slime blocks. "It is a race after all."

"FUCK!" Tommy yells which makes Karl laugh.


"Aim down there," Dream says as they end off the third lap, making the final elytra dive to the tunnel.

"Why are there so many arrows?" Y/N asks as they drop down, swooping up to cross the finish line.

Dream glances over to the side panel on his screen and notices him in first, Illumina in second, and Y/N in third.

Not bad placements.

"Uhm, I'll tell you later," Dream quickly answers as he crosses the finish line. "Let's go! First!"

𝑺𝒕𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒎𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑺𝒄𝒓𝒆𝒆𝒏𝒔 - Dream x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now