Art by @irrttggg on Twitter
Dream POV
"Wow how could you lose to them, I thought you were good?" Quackity teases. As the four continue, I cover my face and slump forward on my desk.
"Awwww were you nervous?" George coos in a mocking tone.
"George stop," I mumble.
"Maybe someone was making him nervous," Sapnap chimes in.
I stop for a second and realize, he's right.
Does Y/N make me nervous?
"Hello? Earth to Dream?" Karl asks and I hurriedly jolt up in my seat.
"He's probably daydreamings about his girlfriend again," Sapnap presses on.
"Guys stop," I groan but it only seems to spur them on.
"Can we play with her again?" Quackity asks.
"Yeah! She was fun to play with!" Sapnap agrees.
I chuckle quietly, remembering our game of gartic phone.
"I think that's a yes," Karl giggles.
I let out a sigh, realizing that they won't give up.
"Fine, but we're not streaming it."
"YEAH!" the call explodes in a cheer and I wince.
What have I done?
"Come on Dream it's not that hard," George teases. We've been playing for over an hour with Y/N; somehow, everyone's guessed the word except me.
"I have no idea what this is," I groan. Y/N laughs and just simply adds more hearts around the frame. The blank white canvas only has my name and George's name with dozens of hearts surrounding it. "How did everyone guess this in the first two seconds?"
"Come one Dream, think," Y/N says. "Even your viewers could have gotten this."
Time was almost up and I quickly type in "kiss".
The game ends and the sound plays, signaling I got the point.
Everyone laughs as I continue to stare in disbelief.
"DNF!" George yells. "Get it?"
"You should have done you and Dream," Sapnap remarks to Y/N. We all fall silent and I feel my face begin to heat up. Y/N is silent too.
After a few seconds into the next round as Karl starts drawing, Y/N coughs and lets out a forced laugh.
"Dream come on, you have a crush on Y/N!" Karl yells. We'd ended the game only a few minutes ago and after Y/N had left, the four of them had immediately bombarded me with questions.
"I don't," I state firmly.
"Dude you literally told me you were falling for her the first time you heard her voice."
I cover my face, pulling the hood of my hoodie over my head.
"Oooooohhhh," I hear them chorus. "Tell!"
"Okay fine!" I remove the hoodie from my head and begin to fiddle with the strings as I tell. "It's just that she's an amazing person. She's genuinely sweet and caring. I really want to help her become a better streamer and content creator."
"I'd say it's more that," Quackity says but cuts himself off with a laugh.
"Bye, guys!" I quickly exit the call before they can say anything more.
God damnit.
Why do I tell my friends these things, of course, they're going to make fun of me.
I stand up from my desk and glance over at Sam's picture once again.
It's been so long since I've felt like this for anyone.
Maybe it's worth a shot?
"You like him! You like him!" Ethan sings as he dances around me. I lie facedown in my bed as his footsteps continue to patter around.
Ethan had been hanging over my shoulder the entire scribble game, listening in on the conversations.
"I do nottttt," I groan.
"Come on Y/N!" Ethan pounces on my back and grabs my shoulders, shaking them aggressively. "He literally admitted to me that he has a crush on you! And you like him too."
"Ethan stop," I groan, my face muffled in the pillow.
"Y/N you can't deny that you two have chemistry! You guys have all the signs. Easygoing, embarrassed when questioned, avoiding the subject. Come on!"
"It doesn't matter," I groan again as Ethan delivers a less-than-friendly smack to my shoulder blade. "He's a big, famous YouTuber with tens of millions of subscribers. People will think I'm just using him for clout or money."
"So who cares what they think?" Ethan gets off me and I feel the bed dip just in front of my head as he sits down. A few seconds later, his hand begins to gently pat the top of my head. "If you have a crush on him and he has a crush on you, you guys should try it out."
"I don't know him," I finally sit up and meet Ethan's dark eyes. He reaches forward and gently takes my hand.
"Then get to know him," Ethan smiles, his dimples showing. "I don't know much about the guy, but online he seems to be a really nice and genuinely kind person."
Maybe he's right.
"Bye, Ethan!"
He waves back, the rain already drenching his black hair. He struggles to open the umbrella with one hand as the wind blows it around.
"Get home safe!"
He blows me a kiss and holds his hand over his face as he starts to trudge to the bus stop, the wind continuing to pull his umbrella in every direction.
I slam the door, shaking off a few rain droplets from my arms.
Stupid storm.
My phone buzzes and I retrieve it from the counter to check the message.
Dream 4:58 pm
I'm bored
This tropical storm is so annoying
How's it for you?It's a tropical storm in Florida and a rainstorm here.
Y/N 4:59 pm
Rain and wind
Ethan just left so I have nothing to doI wait for his response, seeing the thing indicator appear almost instantly.
I guess he's bored too.
Dream 5:00 pm
Do you want to watch something?
I have NetflixI begin to type a response but pause.
I delete the message and instead type back a quick reply.
Y/N 5:00 pm
Sounds great——————————————————————————————
1,033 words
God damn I have to move this story faster
Comment any mistakes you find so I can fix them!

𝑺𝒕𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒎𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑺𝒄𝒓𝒆𝒆𝒏𝒔 - Dream x Reader
FanficA seemingly insignificant girl suddenly goes viral on tiktok for her redstone builds, insane skills, and clutch moments. This quickly attracts the attention of Dream's friends who begin talking about her non-stop. Dream is reluctant but decides to i...