62. Halloween

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3rd Person Omniscient POV

"Pirates roll out!" Sapnap yells, taking a running leap and landing face-first in the black leather chair.

"Cannonball!" George lands on top of him and the two begin to wrestle playfully.

"I think we should adopt them," Y/N comments, watching Dream set up the tripod in front of the black armchairs. She walks forward and lightly brushes her fingertips against the huge movie screen on the wall. "Movie nights must be fun."

The black camera slips out from under Dream's arm and Y/N lunges forward to catch it, her hand closing around it before it lands on the ground.

Dream turns around and grabs the camera, placing it on the tripod.

"Thank you, darling."

"Sapnap! George!" Y/N yells as Sapnap grabs George in a headlock while George tries to pull off his shoes. "Stop fighting!"

The two ignore her and George yanks at Sapnap's ankle, sending both of them tumbling off the chair and into a heap on the floor.

"Dream," Y/N lightly taps him on the shoulder and points at the two. "Stop them."

Dream sighs and hands her the ring light. He carefully steps around the two and pushes the two apart.

"Guys it's picture time," he says firmly. "Get up."

"Why do we have to?" Sapnap plops into a different chair and crosses his arms with a pout.

"It's for the fans," Y/N reminds them. Dream grabs her hand and leads her to the black chairs.

George sits on the one next to Dream and opens the armrest console to extend the legrest out. Sapnap copies him on the other side, almost fully flattening the chair to be a bed.

"Guys," Dream says but Y/N stops him with a finger against his lips.

"Let them get their sillies out," she laughs, feeling Dream's hand lightly creeping up her thigh. "And stop that." Her hand gently flicks his away and goes to stand up.

"What about me?" Dream's arms snake around her waist and yank her backward, pulling her onto his lap. "If they're busy, we can get some time alone too."

His lips trail down her neck as he gently squeezes her waist.

"You're so..." Y/N pauses to search for the right word and a gasp escapes her lips as Dream bites down on the skin below her ear. "Ow."

Dream grins and digs his nails into the fabric of her shirt. Y/N flicks the pirate coat off her lap as Dream pulls her against his chest in a comforting hug.

"I love you," he whispers in his ear. A warm feeling spreads from her chest as Dream gently caresses her back and shoulders. "So pretty."

"I love you too," Y/N whispers back, rubbing her hands through his silky curls. Dream smiles against her neck and lifts his head to kiss her.

"I don't know what magical force sent you to me," he mutters against her lips. "But I'm never letting you go."


"Presenting... Hades!" Dream dramatically throws the white curtains open and twirls, his black cape spinning around him. The golden crown studded with red jewels slips from his head and he lunges to catch it.

Y/N shakes her head in disapproval and smoothes out her white dress before adjusting the wreath of flowers lined to her hair.

"Y/N," Dream holds out his arms, his black gloves making a grabbing motion. "Come."

𝑺𝒕𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒎𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑺𝒄𝒓𝒆𝒆𝒏𝒔 - Dream x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now