40. Love or Host Finale

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3rd Person Omniscient POV

"Okay Dream, it is time to make your elimination," Austin announces. Dream stares nervously at Rachel, Gracie, and Y/N. He eliminated Andrea the round before and now it was his final decision.

"Okay," he whispers under his breath. "Uhm."

"Don't worry Dream," Y/N smiles innocently at the camera. "I won't be mad if you eliminate me."

Oh, you for sure will.

Dream curses quietly under his breath.

Sapnap's what do I do?

He types to his friend in Discord.

If I eliminate Y/N, she'll be mad at me.

But I have a strong feeling she chose host.

He waits anxiously for Sapnap's reply.

Well she could have chosen love to make you jealous

Either way, it's your choice

Dream growls softly as he watches Y/N swivel around in her chair.

"Dream have you made your elimination?"

"Uhm, yes," Dream frantically scans the girls in front of him, typing a name and sending the message.

Austin sees the message and smiles.

What could possibly be going on with Dream and Y/N?

"Okay," he change the music and the three teaming contestants look anxious. "The final elimination."

Graecie puts her hands to her face and mutters something under her breath. Rachel presses both hands against her chest, trying to steady her beating heart.

Only Y/N looks at the camera with a smile of confidence, knowing full well that whether she chose host or not, Dream wouldn't eliminate her.

And she would be right.

"Rachel I'm sorry it's the end of the road for you!" Austin announces.

"Awww," she looks down sadly but smiles anyways. "It's okay, no hard feelings Dream. I had fun and I'm sure you'll see me around somewhere."

"Before the show, Rachel had the choice between love and host, she chose," Sapnap holds his breath and so does Dream.

"She chose love!" Austin yells into his mic. "She chose love!"

"Oh my god, Dream!" Sapnap groans.

"What?!" he shoots back, although a bit disappointed that she chose love.

"No it's alright," Rachel smiles. "I chose love because I didn't want to hurt Sapnap's feelings. I also think he's a really cool guy."

Sapnap smiles in return.

"Anyways follow my Twitch channel at RachelPlays,  I steam there sometimes."

"Bye Rachel, thank you for being on the show," Dream says. He watches the girl wave at the camera before disappearing.

"So Dream, that was your last elimination," Austin says. "Now it's in Sapnap's hands."

"Yup!" Dream leans back in his chair and stretches, the pressure of choosing leaving him. "It's all up to you man."

"Thanks for the support," Sapnap mutters sarcastically.

"Sapnap you will get 90 seconds alone with each contestant to make your final decision," Austin announces. "Graecie you will go first."

𝑺𝒕𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒎𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑺𝒄𝒓𝒆𝒆𝒏𝒔 - Dream x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now