A seemingly insignificant girl suddenly goes viral on tiktok for her redstone builds, insane skills, and clutch moments. This quickly attracts the attention of Dream's friends who begin talking about her non-stop. Dream is reluctant but decides to i...
I open my eyes and stare at the white ghost mask with gaping black eye sockets and a mouth wide open in an ear-splitting scream.
"AHHHHHHHH!" I nearly jump so high I bang my head on a reaper scythe hanging above.
George giggles and dashes away before I can lunge at him. He runs over to Sapnap who has his mouth covered in silent laughter.
"Such children," Y/N remarks from behind me. I smile and watch as she walks up and down an aisle, her eyes skimming the cardboard pictures pinned to the plastic costume bags.
Sapnap and George are huddled behind some shelves stocked with cauldrons, whispering with their heads almost touching.
"Find anything?" I ask, picking up a Jack Skellington costume.
"Nope," she sets down a pointy witch hat and walks over to me. Her fingers creep up my arms with small, precise movements until her head moves to rest on my shoulder. "This one is good for you though."
I frown at the black suit with white stripes, white gloves with bone patterns, and white skull mask.
"It's perfect to conceal your identity," she says, pressing a gentle kiss under my ear.
"I'll do it if you'll be Sally," I smile, watching her face drop in horror.
"Nope! No hate to Sally but I would rather not wear a patchwork dress in Autumn," she lets go of my arm and rushes off to a different aisle.
No Jack Skellington it is.
"BOO!" Sapnap jumps out from behind a wall of fake chains wearing a long white sheet splattered with fake blood.
"Very funny Sapnap," I say, calmly picking up a pumpkin decoration although my heart races from the jump scare.
"I'll get you one day," Sapnap scowls, slinking back behind the shelves where George's mischievous laughter floats from.
"Dream try this on," Y/N presses a bundle of black fabric in a costume bag at me. I quickly scan the store to see if anyone heard her but it's mostly empty.
"What?" I blink in confusion at her excited face as she holds another costume bag with a bundle of black fabric inside. Although she holds the side with the picture facing her, I can make out a few gold accessories amongst the black. "What's this?"
"Read it," she orders, nodding at the package. I flip it over and find a man dressed as a pirate staring back at me.
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"What do you think?" Y/N holds her costume under her face, resting her chin on the top with a grin. "We can match and won't be cold."
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