"Y/N don't leave meeeeeeee!" Dream wraps his arms around me, squeezing tightly.
I sigh and lightly push him off but he sits down, grabbing onto my leg like a toddler.
"Dreammmmm!" I try to yank my leg from his grasp but he doesn't budge. "I'm going to miss my flight."
"Miss it then," Dream pouts. He plants his bottom firmly on the floor and digs his nails into my jeans. "Stay with meeee!"
"Ughhhh," I walk over to my suitcase, awkwardly dragging Dream behind me. "I'm not your mother and you are not a toddler. Our week together is up."
"Whyyyy," he groans, nuzzling his face into my leg which I find adorable. "It was so fast."
"We can call as soon as soon as I get back home," I reason, tossing the last of my clothes into my suitcase.
Dream wraps his arms around both of my legs and holds them firmly in place.
"Don't leave," he looks up at me with puppy dog eyes. "Please?"
I smile and ruffle his hair like I'm petting a golden retriever.
"I have to go, love," I press a kiss on his forehead and manage to get one leg free from his grip. "We can call as soon as I land."
"Can't you stay just a bit longer?"
I zip my suitcase closed and tug him over to the couch.
"Fine, we can cuddle until Jeffery gets here."
"Yay!" Dream cheers as he climbs onto the seat next to me. He pulls me onto his lap, wrapping his arms tightly around my chest.
His touch is warm as he leans down to kiss my neck.
"I wish you could live with me," he whispers, nuzzling his face into my hair.
"I know Dream," I rest my head against his shoulder as he begins to run his hand through it, twirling the strands between his ringed fingers. "I had a great time with you."
He grabs the bottom of my chin with delicate fingertips and tilts it upwards to meet his gaze. His green eyes are full of love and sadness as he kisses my lips as though this is the last time.
The two do us rest in silence as time ticks by, the minutes left for us at this moment running out.
The sharp sound of a car horn pierces the air. I lift my head to look out the window and see a silver SUV parked outside.
"Dream," I lightly shake his shoulder as he glances up from drawing circles on my hand. "Jeffery's here, I have to go."
"Noooo," I quickly detangle myself from him and rush over to grab my suitcase with one hand, purse in the other.
Dream stands up quickly to follow me as I break into a run for the door. Just as I make it through, I slam the door in his face to slow him down.
"Y/N!" he yells from behind the door, stopping to open it as I'm already halfway down the driveway.
Ethan gets out of the passenger seat and his eyes widen as he notices Dream chasing me.
I toss my purse to him and he catches it by the strap. I roll the suitcase down to him as a pair of strong arms wrap around me from behind, yanking me back.
"You're not going anywhere," Dream growls in my ear, a hint of possessiveness in his voice.
"Dream come on!" I flail in his grasp but he holds firm. "I need to leave."
Ethan just stands there, suitcase and purse in hand as he watches, not sure whether to intervene.
As I try to wriggle out of Dream's grasp, I notice a matte black Tesla pull up behind the silver car.
"Sapnap!" I scream as the driver gets out looking visibly confused. "Get your clingy friend off me!"
He chuckles and sprints word us, a hint of malice in his eyes. He rams full force into us, knocking Dream off.
Dream lunges for me again but I dive aside with a giggle as Sapnap body blocks him, pushing him back.
I quickly back away and sprint toward the car. Ethan quickly opens the back door and tosses my purse and luggage in.
"Y/N!" Dream yells as he pushes past Sapnap.
Ethan lets out a high-pitched scream and yells something along the lines of 'Manhunt Dream!' before he practically dives into the passenger seat.
"Lock the car!" he screeches at Jeffery who just laughs and clicks the lock button.
Dream reaches my side of the car and yanks on the handle one second too late. I watch as his shoulders slump and he presses his hand and face on the window.
Sapnap catches up to him and rests a hand on his shoulder.
"Y/N," he mumbles sadly through the glass. I roll down the window halfway as Dream sticks his hand through to hold mine. "Please come back soon."
I smile and kiss his hand gently, right between his silver rings.
"I will. And who knows? Maybe after your face reveal you can visit me?"
Sapnap pulls him away as I roll the window back up and Jeffery pulls away from the house.
I watch Dream sadly wave as he grows smaller and smaller until he fully disappears.
I sigh and lean back against the black leather seat, thoughts of missing him catch up with me.
"That man is head over heels in love for you," Jeffery says from the divers seat. I glance in the rearview mirror and notice he's looking directly at me. "Ethan, do you remember what happened when I left for med school?"
He turns to his boyfriend who covers his face with a groan.
"You clung to my leg and wouldn't let me pack, he reminds him, patting his shoulder.
"Hey, Dream did the same to me!" I laugh, remembering as the 6'2 dirty blond clung to me like a koala.
"Then he's really in love," Jeffery rolls his eyes and turns his focus back to the road. "I think you guys will be really happy together."
"But," he pauses as we speed through the empty highway. "Dream might be famous and rich, but fame always comes with a price."
1,076 words
The conflict is brewing...
I'll be releasing my new book soon to keep you guys fed during my testing weeks.
Comment any mistakes you find so I can fix them!

𝑺𝒕𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒎𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑺𝒄𝒓𝒆𝒆𝒏𝒔 - Dream x Reader
FanfictionA seemingly insignificant girl suddenly goes viral on tiktok for her redstone builds, insane skills, and clutch moments. This quickly attracts the attention of Dream's friends who begin talking about her non-stop. Dream is reluctant but decides to i...