3rd Person Omniscient POV
"Come on out Dreammmmm," Y/N calls through the door. "I'm dressed already."
Inside the bathroom, Dream stands in front of the mirror, his heart racing. He smoothed out a few wrinkles in the shirt and turns around to check the back.
It did fit him well, but...
He bites his lip as his gaze wanders around the pink fabric.
He decided to pair the shirt with bright, white pants and black dress shoes.
Still, it didn't look exactly like something he'd wear.
"Dream!" Y/N says again, banging on the door slightly. "If you don't come out in the next thirty seconds, I will break the door down."
Dream chuckles at the threat and unlocks the door, his hand resting on the handle.
"I'm nervous," he says quietly, but loud enough for Y/N to hear.
He was nervous.
But not just about Y/N seeing him in the shirt, the idea of seeing her in a dress makes his heart flutter.
"Do you really think I'd make fun of you?" she asks, a light laugh making his stomach turn over and over.
"Yes," he answers matter-a-factly, knowing that's exactly the thing she'd do.
Y/N laughs again and he feels the doorknob jiggle in his grasp as he tries to open it.
"But I promise I'll keep my comments to myself," she says, her voice lowering to a more serious tone.
Dream sighs and slowly opens the door. He steps through the doorframe with his head down, staring at the floor.
He notices that Y/N is wearing bright white sneakers where the pink hem of the dress brushes against them.
"Lift your head," she says. He does so and meets her Y/E/C eyes which are shining.
"Oh, you look great!" Her smile is genuine as she jumps forward to hug him, reaching up to hug him under his arms.
Dream laughs awkwardly and wraps his arms around Y/N swaying the two of them from side to side.
"Do you mean it?" he asks softly, a pool of doubt bubbling inside him.
"Of course," Y/N looks up at him and smiles happily. "I love how we're matching."
Dream pushes her back slightly and takes a second to admire the dress. She giggles and twirls around. The pink skirt flies out, forming a perfect circle with small blobs of red strawberries. Her twirling sends a shower of glitter to the floor and she stops, clutching the side of the couch for balance.
"It looks beautiful," Dream whispers. He walks toward her and leans his head against hers. "I love it."
"You ready for that photoshoot?" Y/N asks, she gestures to the tripod and camera sitting on the coffee table.
Her boyfriend groans but grabs the two objects in one hand with her hand in the other.
"Let's go, I know a good spot."
"Alright," Dream adjusts the exposure and zooms out slightly. "Almost ready."
Y/N swirls the skirt around and smiles into the camera. She checks to make sure Dream is busy with the camera before turning to the hedges behind her.

𝑺𝒕𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒎𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑺𝒄𝒓𝒆𝒆𝒏𝒔 - Dream x Reader
FanfictionA seemingly insignificant girl suddenly goes viral on tiktok for her redstone builds, insane skills, and clutch moments. This quickly attracts the attention of Dream's friends who begin talking about her non-stop. Dream is reluctant but decides to i...