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The second that Grian opened the door, he was greeted with confused shouting.

"GIVE IT BACK, PEARL!" It was Speculum- BDubs, if you knew his identity-, a vigilante with dark brown hair and a gray mask covering his mouth and nose.

Pearl, who's alter ego was a vigilante called Luna, who had a flower crown and a masquerade like face mask, was somehow stood on top of a cupboard with a mirror on it, holding BDubs' phone in the air. "Make me, mirror boy!" She taunted.

BDubs muttered ominously under his breath before stepping into a nearby mirror on the wall and vanishing. He quickly leapt out of the mirror on the cupboard and jumped up, grabbing his phone with a triumphant yelp as he stumbled and fell to the floor.

"I swear to God, I go on patrol for five minutes-" Grian rolled his eyes. Pearl and BDubs looked over sheepishly.

"She started it!" BDubs yelled, scrambling to his feet, retreating to a corner and stuffing his phone in one of his pockets.

"Guys, you need to be more responsible than this." BigB, the last of the vigilantes, said with a sigh as he walked in after Grian. BigB's alter ego was a vigilante by the name of Velox, and he wore a face covering similar to Pearl's as well as having a red plus- similar to the one used to represent healthcare or a hospital- painted onto his cheek.

"It's not my fault BDubs is so easy to steal from." Pearl said with a shrug, effortlessly jumping down from the top of the cupboard.

"You know, maybe we shouldn't use our real names so loudly considering the whole 'secret identity' thing." Grian commented, glancing between the other vigilantes.

"My apologies, Avis." BDubs huffed, shooting a glare at Grian and then Pearl- Luna.

"Apology accepted, Speculum." Grian shot back, pulling his tongue at the other vigilante.

"Just as I was about to say that you were the least childish out of the others..." Velox trailed off with a sigh.

"Hey, I'm not childish!" Grian and Luna protested at the same time.

"Me neither." Speculum said pointedly, pulling a face.

"Yeah, yeah, sure." Velox said with a roll of his eyes. "Anyway, we noticed increased activity downtown by the arcade, and Avis is ninety percent sure-"

"Ninety nine percent sure, Velox." Grian corrected him.

"Ninety nine percent sure, sorry," Velox amended, "that he saw Sync and Atrotos checking the area out, so we might need to patrol there more often in case they're planning anything."

"My god, I hate Sync." Speculum grumbled. "Always following Piscis and Atrotos around, and his power is so lame! And he's so smug and he thinks he's soooo cool, and he just- urgh, I just don't like him."

"We get it, you hate Sync." Luna said, sounding bored. "So... I'm fine with patrolling the arcade-"

"The last time you patrolled the arcade, you spent the whole time playing on the machines and, in the process, let Piscis and Aoratos get away with a robbery." Grian pointed out.

"Aw, come on, can you blame me? The arcade is great!" Luna protested. "And I won't do it again. Probably."

"Wow, that gave me so much confidence in you." Grian said wryly, one eyebrow raised.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. We'll sort that out tomorrow." Speculum said, sounding incredibly uninterested. "I have plans to meet up with a friend, so I'm gonna change into civilian clothes and leave. Bye." The vigilante walked out of the door with a small wave.

"Yeah, same." Grian said awkwardly, and the remaining vigilantes nodded as he left.


"GRIAN!" The dirty blonde looked over to the voice.

It was his friends Jimmy and Scott, Jimmy being the one who had shouted.

"Hey, Tim." Grian said with a yawn as Jimmy ran over, dragging Scott with him. "And Scott, of course." Scott waved with an awkward smile. "How was work?" He knew that Scott and Jimmy both had rather tiring (yet well-paying) jobs, but he had never been informed of what they were.

"It's been a pretty quiet day, honestly." Scott said with a shrug, and Jimmy nodded.

"I have a meeting tomorrow, but nothing apart from that, so I should be able to take the rest of the day off." The dark blonde informed them with a grin.

"Meeting? Honestly, it's so weird to picture Timmy working in an office or something." Grian commented, and Scott nodded while Jimmy coughed and muttered something.

Grian was about to continue speaking when he was disrupted by a rather loud explosion from a shop a few doors down. He glanced over to see Atrotos and Aoratos walking out of the shop calmly, talking to each other as if they hadn't just blown up a shop for (it appeared so, anyway) fun.

Scott froze, and Jimmy said something under his breath before taking a stumbling step backwards.

Grian noticed Scott relax slightly as two heroes appeared seemingly out of nowhere, a man with dark brown hair with a green streak and a mask covering his mouth and nose- Viridian- and a man with bright yellow/blonde hair with red eyes, elf-like ears and a yellow 'masquerade' mask with golden thunderbolts painted onto it- Thunderstruck.

The two heroes were well known for being a duo, always on patrol together, never seen in an interview without the other at their side- the other duos amongst the superheroes were Aeor and Axolotl, as well as one that Grian particularly disliked (because it was made up of two former friends of his who had left him to become heroes), that one being the heroes Warlock and Engineer (or Scar and Mumbo, if you knew their identities like Grian did).

He watched the fight with half hearted enthusiasm, glancing around and staring in surprise as he spotted BDubs sat at a table in a nearby cafe with a man with brown hair, goat/ram-like horns and green skin that signified he was a creeper hybrid of sorts- Grian was sure BDubs had mentioned the man before... he was confident that 'Doc' was the man's name, and he was pretty sure this was the friend that BDubs had mentioned having plans with.

Grian noticed that the other vigilante's gaze had been dragged away from the man he was with, staring at the fight also. BDubs' questioning gaze briefly landed on Grian, who shook his head. Viridian and Thunderstruck have it covered.

Unlawful Good- A Last Life Superhero AUWhere stories live. Discover now