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Grian immediately took advantage of the villains' distraction when their friends appeared and aimed an arrow at Piscis.

He watched as the arrow flew through the air and Piscis calmly caught it with a sphere of water, spinning it round and launching it back towards Grian.

The dirty blonde carefully sidestepped the attack, jumping backwards in time to dodge an arrow from Sync that he assumed was meant for Speculum, but Grian had just been in the way.

"Took you long enough." He said jokingly as Luna rushed towards him.

"Sorry." She huffed, gasping for breath. "I did run. But we ran into Engineer, Warlock and Axolotl, who, by the way, followed us to help. Which I think is a bit excessive for only two villains, but whatever." Pearl added with a shrug.

"I mean, it's Piscis." Grian said with a shrug, dodging a well aimed jet of water from the aforementioned villain. It was then that the first part of Luna's sentence clicked. "Wait, Engineer and Warlock?"

"Mhm." Luna said with a sympathetic nod, casually shielding herself from a spray of water with her sword.

"Oh, no, that's not-" He was cut off by a loud (if slightly exaggerated and dramatic) voice. A voice that he used to love hearing and found hilarious. Not so much anymore.

"Villains! It is I, Warlock! You better run, idiots!" Warlock added slightly more awkwardly.

Grian could just about hear Engineer mutter, "Very impressive introduction, Warlock."

The other hero looked pleased at this. "Why, thank you!"

"I was being- never mind." Engineer said with a sigh.

Grian glanced over the other two heroes and then at the one that followed them.

Engineer (or Mumbo) was wearing an incredibly simple (and boring, if you asked Grian) suit (which must have yielded very little protection, so it was a stupid design choice), and he had black hair, the iconic moustache, dark gray eyes similar to Grian's own, a pair of iron steampunk goggles with red lenses and leather straps on his head and a very technical metal gauntlet kind of thing which Grian knew nothing about- he had no guesses as to the use of the many buttons and switches on it. He also had a metallic... backpack? Grian had never been sure how to describe it- Mumbo kept spare parts and redstone in it in case any of his odd gadgets broke down.

Warlock (Scar) had a maroon-purple cloak, adorned with sparkly golden swirls as some sort of pattern and false diamonds used as a button that was underneath a hood that was pulled over his head, the hood in question partially concealing his curly dark brown hair, elf ears and one green eye accompanied by one blue eye, signifying that the hero had chosen a water spell to use that week.

To put it simply, when he had a spell chosen, one of Scar's eyes remained its natural colour, a dark forest green, and the other reflected the spell chosen.

Grian only knew a few of the colours- red for a fire spell, green for a plant spell, blue for a water spell and pink for a healing spell.

The hero also had a twisted stereotypical oak wizard staff with a glass purple sphere wrapped in the branches/vines of the staff, which was clutched in his right hand. His other hand was hovering above his belt that had an assortment of supposedly magic 'crystals' (even though Grian was ninety percent sure they were made of glass) that apparently gave him special boosts- speed, strength, courage... you name it, Scar had a crystal for it. He had to admit that as much as he disliked the hero, Warlock did have style.

His gaze flicked to the hero behind them, one he had only seen in pictures and videos- Axolotl.

She was an incredibly tall woman with bubblegum pink hair cascading down her back, azure eyes, steel blue scaly skin and indigo webbed fins similar to Piscis' where her ears were meant to be, the last two things he mentioned being attributes of the hero's axolotling form, which she was currently in. Axolotl was wearing copper armour (that looked rather clunky and unnecessary, if you asked Grian) and had a cerulean trident clutched in one hand.

Grian pulled a face. "We don't need your help! We've got this covered, thank you very much." He snapped.

He glared as he noticed Mumbo- Warlock- roll his eyes.

Warlock raised one eyebrow. "As sweet as that idea is, you clearly do not 'got this covered'." He retorted, his voice laced with venom as he pointed to Velox, who had just pulled one of Sync's arrows out of his shoulder and was watching as the wound swiftly healed over.

"That's not-" Grian was cut off by his yelp as Piscis' trident suddenly came flying towards his head, launching himself into the air with his wings spread and carefully floating down again. "We do got this- have this covered. You guys don't have this..." He watched as a wave of water knocked Engineer off of his feet and the hero quickly flicked a switch on and six metal 'spider-legs' came out of his metal 'backpack', stabbing into the ground and holding the hero into the place. It was almost funny how many times Grian had compared those to the 'spider-legs' of the fictional hero Iron Spider.

"We do have this covered." Warlock said smugly, spinning his staff around and redirecting a surge of water towards Luna, who stumbled and cursed, landing on her back. Warlock let out a laugh as the vigilante scrambled to her feet, her hair soaking wet.

"What the hell, Warlock?" Speculum snapped. "It wasn't even that funny when you used to mess with water while we were training, but during a fight? What if she was caught off guard by an attack? It's dangerous!"

Warlock, although slightly fazed by his former teammate's scolding, glared. "Don't tell me what to do, Speculum. You don't even have proper training like I do. You're just some random guy who thought he could be a hero."

Grian glared at his old friend. "Fine. You guys handle this. We're leaving." As the other vigilantes carefully dodged any further attacks and walked away, he paused and glanced behind him. "You've changed. Both of you." Without another word, the dirty blonde turned and left the three heroes with the villains.


Chapter summary: They fight the villains, Scar and Mumbo show up, Scar trips up Pearl for no reason and is mean to BDubs, Grian is annoyed

Unlawful Good- A Last Life Superhero AUWhere stories live. Discover now