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Grian collapsed into the chair, cursing under his breath as he carefully pulled his mask off and stuffed it into his pockets, dropping his bow on the table next to him.

"I actually kind of feel bad that we were the only ones who made it out unscathed." He heard Elenchos comment to Velox, who shrugged.

"I mean, that's kind of my whole power." Velox said with a shrug. "I can just... heal quickly. Atrotos did manage to land a few hits, they just healed within a few minutes."

"Ohhhh, okay, that makes sense." Elenchos commented, glancing at Grian. "You okay? Or at least... somewhat okay?"

"I'll live." Grian huffed, glancing at his arm, which still had a knife stuck in it. "Velox, you're meant to know everything about healing, can I take this stupid knife out of my arm now?"

His teammate squinted at the wound. "I mean... I guess?" Velox said warily, sitting down next to Speculum. "Hold out your hands. It looks like they were hurt pretty badly." Speculum held out his hands with a shrug and Grian heard a sharp intake of breath from Velox. "Why didn't you just let go of the stupid trident?"

"So he could stab me instead? No way." Speculum said stubbornly, as if it was obvious why he had attempted to pull the trident out of Piscis' hands.

Velox sighed, glancing at Luna. "You okay?"

"I'll be fine after... a few days?" Luna suggested wryly. "Those throwing knives Aoratos has really hurt."

"Tell me about it." Grian muttered, carefully pulling the knife out of his arm and swearing under his breath as he put the bloody knife on the table.

Luna stared as Velox handed Grian some bandages and he rolled up his sleeve and started to wrap up the wound. "Jesus Christ. I didn't even get fully hit by the knives, they just sort of- sliced across my arm and face and stuff. They didn't actually hit me." She gestured to the multiple cuts on her face and arms.

"You sure you don't need anything to help with those? Or are you gonna let them heal naturally?" Velox asked, glancing away from where he had been watching Grian bandage up his left arm.

"I'll leave them. Besides, I'll probably get quite a few questions asked if I show up to work with plasters or- or bandages all over me." Luna added with a laugh. Luna was one of the only two out of the four- now five- who had a job, with Grian relying on his brother for money (as bad as he felt about doing so, it was necessary), Speculum doing odd jobs but never holding down a job for more than a week and Velox working from home (something to do with tech support, Grian was pretty sure).

He wasn't quite sure whether Cleo had a job or not, but she seemed to have a lot of free time, able to go on patrol or help in a fight when necessary, so Grian guessed that she either had no job or a very flexible schedule.

Luna worked in the coffee shop they had just fought outside of, and Grian had no doubt that she had been finishing up her shift when she either ran into the villains or when the store was robbed by the villains.

Grian glanced at his phone as it beeped, signifying a notification, and he reached over with his uninjured arm and grabbed it, glancing at the screen. Oh, it's Ren. He had gotten about ten messages from Ren about his sudden disappearance after the last text he had sent, and the most recent one was about the supposed 'job interview' Grian had been going to.

He hastily typed a response saying that he didn't think he had gotten the job and switched his phone off.

Grian stared as he got a text from a number he was sure had blocked him.

GoodTimesWithScar 🎩✨-

Thunderstruck told me you got into a fight, you good? 👀

He looked down at his phone for a moment before typing a response.


I'll be fine after a few days or so. I think.


Didn't you and Mumbo block my number?


I don't think so?





He laughed to himself quietly at Scar's attempt at spelling the word 'realise' and the (possibly not unintentional) misspelling of his name before responding again.


It's fine

He switched off his phone, glancing across the room at Luna and Speculum, who were squabbling over something or other- something about close-range weapons and whether they were good or not? (To be fair, Luna and Elenchos were the only vigilantes who used close-range weapons, with Grian using a bow and arrow and Velox and Speculum using a crossbow)

"I think close-range weapons are better to be fair." Elenchos commented, and Speculum muttered something that sounded like, 'Of course you do.' Elenchos shot a glare in his direction. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"I mean, of course you'd agree with the worse option instead of the right option." Speculum shot back with a shrug.

Oh, not this again. Grian thought as Elenchos pulled a face. "You don't need to say 'you' like it's a bad word."

"It might as well be when it's in reference to you." Speculum said, humming to himself under his breath.

Elenchos' gaze flicked to Grian. "Avis, tell him he's being unreasonable."

"You are being quite unreasonable." Grian commented without a thought. Don't I normally try and be the mediator for this kind of situation? "I mean, you haven't even tried to get to know Cleo. Stop being horrible."

Speculum's gaze landed on Grian and he frowned slightly, glancing at Elenchos again before looking back at the dirty blonde with a frustrated expression. "Why are you- oh, I see. She's contr-"

He was cut off by Elenchos. "I don't see why you're so against me, Speculum."

"I-" The vigilante broke off as his gaze briefly flickered red before returning to normal. Without another word, he stood up and left.

Yay, another update :D look at me being productive

Unlawful Good- A Last Life Superhero AUWhere stories live. Discover now