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Grian was in the vigilante headquarters when he glanced at his phone as he got a text from two people at the same time. One was Ren asking if he wanted to hang out later and the other was Pearl telling him to get to their local coffee shop right that moment.

Sorry Ren, but Pearl normally doesn't text unless she has to. He blinked as he got a text from BigB telling him to go to the coffee shop and put his mask on. Yeah, this sounds really urgent. He sent a hasty apology to Ren, explaining that he was busy with a job interview (he had to come up with something) and grabbing his face mask, pulling it on, slamming his phone down on the table and grabbing his bow and some arrows before rushing out of the door, his wings appearing.


Grian landed next to the coffee shop, staring as his vision was bombarded with the sight of Pearl- Luna- dodging multiple attacks from Aoratos, who kept flickering in and out of sight, Velox and Elenchos facing off against Atrotos and Speculum locked in a fierce fight with Piscis as he attempted to wrestle the villain's trident off of him.

Velox and Luna's phones had been tossed to the ground as if their messages were a last ditch attempt to get help, and Luna had multiple cuts along her arms and face. As well as that, the sharp blade of the trident had clearly sliced open wounds on both of Speculum's hands. Actually, it looked as if Velox and Elenchos were the only ones winning their fights.

How have no heroes showed up yet? Grian thought irritably as he aimed an arrow at Aoratos. If they're so much better than us, we wouldn't be left to fix the problem. They just appear right before the job is done and take all the credit.

Aoratos jumped back as the arrow just about missed a tuft of his white/gray hair, his gray and dark orange eyes narrowing as he scanned the area nearby. His gaze landed on Grian and he glared, flickering out of sight. Ohhhhh, that is not good. That is not good at all. He swung the bow around in an arc as if it was a weapon of sorts, vainly hoping that it would do any damage to the villain if he tried to attack.

His dark gray gaze met Luna's thankful blue gaze as the other vigilante rushed over to help Speculum, who's hands- and wrists- were slowly becoming more and more damaged as he stubbornly held onto the end of Piscis' trident.

Grian let out an audible gasp as, out of nowhere, a throwing knife was plunged into his shoulder and yanked out fiercely before the knife fell to the ground. His hand flew to his shoulder briefly, staring at the blood that had started to stain his sweater a darker shade of red than it already was. He swung his bow around in an arc, staring triumphantly as it made contact with someone and he heard Aoratos swear loudly as the villain flickered back into sight.

The bow had hit him hard on the head, which was shown as he stumbled backwards, staring at Grian angrily. Grian noticed Atrotos glanced over, his dark brown eyes wide as he watched Aoratos sway unsteadily on his feet, and Atrotos jumped away from the fight with Velox and Elenchos, rushing over to Aoratos.

"What did you do?" Atrotos muttered, glaring at Grian defiantly. I feel like I've heard his voice before. He glanced over the villain's brown hair, dark brown eyes, the steampunk goggles resting on his head and the gray and yellow mask covering his mouth and nose.

"What did I do? He stabbed me!" Grian protested, gesturing to the stab wound in his shoulder, which had started bleeding more rapidly since he last glanced at it.

"And I'd do it again." Aoratos muttered. "In fact, I will." He tossed another knife in Grian's direction and the dirty blonde cursed under his breath as it hit him further down the same arm he had previously been stabbed in. At this rate I won't be able to use this arm! He thought, gritting his teeth together as he resisted the urge to yank the knife out.

Grian remembered Velox talking about how if you got stabbed, you shouldn't pull out the thing that stabbed you if you could help it, because it was essentially acting like a cork, holding the blood in. I got stabbed in the arm so I don't know if that applies, but better safe than sorry.

He noticed Aoratos stumble as a flurry of sparks swirled around him and he watched as Atrotos jumped away from his friend as the white/gray haired villain fell to the floor, twitching slightly. Grian glanced over to see Thunderstruck watching him with concern.

"Avis, right?" The hero asked as he walked over. "You okay? Your arm is, um, it's bleeding. Quite a lot, actually."

"I'm aware." Grian said, hoping he kept all of the sarcasm out of his voice. "And I'll be fine after a bandage of two." He added in a mutter. "Velox has plenty."

"If you're sure, Avis." Thunderstruck said with a shrug, turning and glancing at Atrotos, who had shaken Aoratos awake and was guiding the other villain away. Aoratos reached out and grabbed Piscis' shoulder, and all three vanished from sight. "Damnit I forgot he can make other people invisible as long as he's touching them." Thunderstruck added in a hiss, staring at where the villains had been. "Are your teammates okay? I can get them medical help if you want."

"As nice as that is, we have it covered." Velox, who had walked over at some point, responded sharply. "You okay, Gr- Avis?"

"I'll be fine after a bandage or two." He repeated, nodding quietly at Thunderstruck. "It was nice to meet you in person though. I'm sure I'll see you around."

Sorry I haven't updated in the past day I've been focusing on 'Kryo'-

Unlawful Good- A Last Life Superhero AUWhere stories live. Discover now