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Trigger Warning/Content Warning-

•Character Death

Mumbo stared in shock for a moment, unsure of what to say. "Are you- who- what-" He fell to his knees next to Grian, who moved forwards and buried his face in Mumbo's chest, sobbing.

"He came out of nowhere- I didn't- I couldn't-" Grian broke off, gripping the sleeves of Mumbo's suit tightly as he pulled himself closer to his friend.

"Hey, hey, don't worry, you're gonna be fine, it's not your fault." Mumbo reassured him quietly, biting back a sob of his own. "You- you're gonna be fine. Scar, he uh- he chose a healing spell this week! He can heal you as soon as he gets here! You'll be fine, Grian. Don't worry."

The dirty blonde didn't seem to hear him, still crying quietly. "Mumbo, I don't want to die."

"Hey, you're not going to die! You're going to be fine, okay, Grian? You're gonna be fine." Mumbo said quietly, reassuring himself as well as his friend.

Grian ignored him, repeating his sentence under his breath. "I don't want to die, I don't want to die, I don't want to die!" Every time the vigilante protested, his sobs became more quiet, and his movements became slower.

Mumbo froze as he felt the dirty blonde's breathing quietly slow to a halt. He stared as Grian's grip on his sleeves loosened and the vigilante fell backwards to the ground, lying on his back unmoving.

He stared down at his friend's body, his gaze flicking to Grian's face. The dirty blonde's dark gray eyes were glazed over and lifeless, his mouth was open in a half finished plea and his face was still wet with tears.

He's dead. Mumbo blinked, still frozen in place, half hoping that this was another of his silly nightmares and he'd be shaken awake by Scar any minute now. He vaguely heard footsteps behind him and lots of shouting... maybe crying? His gaze flicked to Scar, who was stood next to him and staring at Grian with a horrified expression.

"Grian?" Normally, in any other situation, Mumbo might have laughed at how the brunette's voice cracked slightly.

He glanced away from Scar quietly. He's dead. Mumbo repeated silently.

Grian was dead.

Grian, his funny little friend who constantly made jokes and called himself a pesky bird. Grian, the slightly annoying yet amusing vigilante who went by Avis. Grian, one of his best friends.

And yet it was as if Grian had never been there in the first place. And Mumbo knew that this time there was no way he could fix it.


Tango swore under his breath, stepping away from Aoratos, who had attempted to pick a fight with him and had gotten shocked and knocked out in the process. I need to find the others now. His gaze flicked to Luna and Velox- Tango and Speculum had found them and had to fight Elenchos to get to them- and he winced slightly as his gaze lingered on the multiple stab wound scattered across Luna's body.

There were none on Velox because of his power, but Tango had been made aware that he had been injured in the process as well- some form of torture for both of them, he was pretty sure.

"Okay, we just need to find the others-"-Namely Engineer, Warlock, Avis and Aeor-"-and then we'll get you out of here." Tango reassured Velox and Luna, who both nodded. "Luna, if you wouldn't mind, could you use your power to find them?"

The brunette nodded quietly, sitting down. "One minute." She said, closing her eyes. When she opened them again, her eyes were fully white, which the hero presumed meant that she was using her powers.

Tango, Velox and Speculum (who had been deep in thought for a few minutes already, possibly contemplating how he had managed to overpower Elenchos) sat in silence for a few minutes.

Suddenly, Luna blinked with a gasp, and her eyes returned to normal as she clapped a hand to her mouth, her eyes wide with shock as tears started to form in the corner of her eyes. Velox straightened with a frown.

"Luna? Are you okay? What's wrong? Did you find the others?" The vigilante asked gently.

Luna lowered her hand, nodding slowly. "Mhm. I found them alright." She mumbled.

"What's wrong?" Speculum asked, looking over from where he was stood.

"Grian." She whispered, and Tango frowned. Grian? Doesn't Scott have a friend called Grian?

"What about him?" Speculum asked, suddenly more alert as he stared urgently at the brunette.

"He's- he-" Luna took a deep breath, shaking slightly as she stood up. "He's dead. Avis- Grian- is dead." Tango stared, eyes wide. What? How did- when- who- He hadn't known the vigilante very well- if at all- but he knew that Avis was a respected vigilante and that he was a close friend of Mumbo and Scar.

Tango noticed her gaze linger on him briefly as Speculum ran out of the room and Velox leant against the wall with his face buried in his hands. "I'm... so sorry for your loss." He said quietly as she squinted at him.

"I'm sorry for yours." What? Tango frowned.

"What do you mean? I haven't lost anyone." The hero said slowly, his heart pounding.

"You have. We both have, actually, both killed by the same person." What? Luna met his gaze with a solemn expression. "Piscis killed Aeor."


Jimmy stared down at the body of the hero in front of him, his heart pounding as he pulled his trident out of the cyan haired man's head and wiped the blood off of the weapon with his sleeve. Aeor's head lolled to the side, and his mask caught on the wall and was pulled off.

Jimmy bit back a sob as he stared down at the hero. Aeor is... Scott? It was then that the realisation hit him, and the dark blonde felt like he was going to be sick. Aeor is Scott, and I killed Aeor, so...

I killed Scott.

Killing off the main character go brrrr

Seriously tho yeah that happened Grian and Scott died oops

Still another character who I have planned to die tho, and then I'll finish up this book and get ready to write the sequel (I'm actually gonna write a sequel this time. I'm not gonna do what I did with Kryo and retell the story from another POV)

Also yay for Mumbo, Tango and Jimmy POV I guess?

Also I'm not very good at writing death so this might be terrible idk

Unlawful Good- A Last Life Superhero AUWhere stories live. Discover now