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Grian blinked as he got a text from another number. Maybe they didn't block me? Maybe I just... had bad WIFI or something. Maybe they want to be friends again.

Mumbo Jumbo-

Hello 👋


Hey Mumbo :D


Why are you texting me? 🤔

Mumbo Jumbo-

Well we haven't hung out in a while
And I wanted to know if you wanted to hang out with me and Scar for a bit

Grian stared at his phone, blinking. They want to hang out with me? I know they've been nicer lately- not sure what prompted that- but I didn't realise they might want to be my friend again.


You sure you haven't texted the wrong number?

Mumbo Jumbo-

Pretty sure I know your number, Grian 🦜


Okay. Where do you want to hang out?

Mumbo Jumbo-

How about the coffee shop downtown? Or there's the weird magic trick shop Scar likes to go to


He still goes there? I thought that place got shut down


Because Scar got so excited over a new magic trick he found that he accidentally dropped his staff and accidentally set the shop on fire. Remember?

Mumbo Jumbo-

They rebuilt it

Mumbo Jumbo-

And somehow Scar isn't banned

Mumbo Jumbo-

I'm like ninety percent sure that Viridian made them unban him 👍


Well the coffee shop sounds good lmao

Mumbo Jumbo-

Mk. See you there in like half an hour? 👍



Mumbo Jumbo-


He stared at his phone quietly for a moment, contemplating what had just happened, before switching it off.


Unlawful Good- A Last Life Superhero AUWhere stories live. Discover now