Attention students!

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It was the next day and I woke up with my face feeling so weird after I cried last night. I quickly set up the outfit I was gonna wear today and went to the bathroom to shower, wash my face, and brush my teeth.

I run back to my room quickly and spray perfurme, put on deodorant then dry and brush out my H/L and H/C hair before putting on my clothes.

I grabbed my backpack and stuffed my sketchbook and art supplies in before running downstairs to get the bus stop. I knew how to drive and I had a car but had a flat tire and I didn't have time to replace it.

My dad stopped my before I ran out the door "before you leave here's some money for breakfast on your way to school.".

"Thanks papa, now I need to go I love you." I kiss him on the cheek and ran out the door making it to the bus stop on time for its arrival.

Time Skip
Its lunch and I decided to eat it in the school library while I read. I didn't even notice that Alice Cullen was in front of me before she spoke. "You're Y/N right?" she startled me to the point I kind of jumped. "Yup I'm Y/N".

"My brother Edward told me that you've been wanting to speak with me for a bit."

Wait a minute how the fuck did he know about that?! I didn't even know this guy, what is he a mind reader? "Yeah I guess" I said. She then sat next to me and gave me a warm smile.

"I always see you alone. Why is that?"

"I kind of like it like this sometimes, because friends are alot of drama in my opinion"

She didn't respond, in fact she looked like she was zoning out like she was in a trance. The bell suddenly rung and Alice finally snapped out of it.

She turned to look at me with a huge smile. "I have a feeling we're going to become very close" she says before walking out of the library

I put the book back in the shelf and quickly ran to Italian before I could be late. Luckily I made it in time before the bell had rung one last time. I sat and my seat and see Mrs. Caruso walk in with a huge smile on her face

"Attention students!" She slightly yells. Everyone looked up at her but I didn't, I only listened. "I have some very exciting news to share with you, now I hope you've all studied this language very carefully because it will become very useful when next week, we go to Italy!" I quickly looked up at her

Holy shit. Maybe I should've paid attention in class.

Class ended and Mrs. Caruso asked me to stay for a few seconds. "Is everything okay Mrs. C?" I asked. "I know your grade isn't the best in this class and normally I wouldn't let someone with a bad grade come to a fieldtrip, but I would really recommend you still being there cara. So you can still have that chance to learn as your there." She said as she gives me a permission slip. "Thanks Mrs. Caruso".

Time Skip
"Mama papa I'm home!" I yell for my parents. No answer, so I called them. My mother didn't answer but my dad picked up. "Hey sweetpea, back from school?" He said. "Yeah, where are you guys?" I asked. It was quiet for a few seconds til I heard my dad crying. "Papa is everything okay??". I was so confused and so scared, what had happened? "I'll be on my way home right now." I hear him say before he hangs up.

What the hell was happening?

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