The Escape (Part 2)

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⚠️TW: kidnapping, violence, blood⚠️

"Masters! We have a situation!" Demetri ran in exclaiming.

"Can it wait? We're in the middle of an important discussion." I said. But he continued.

"But master, it's Y/N. She's gone!". What did he just say? "What do you mean she's gone?!" I asked. "I couldn't track her anymore so I went to her room to check in on her and...I think you should take a look.".

Running to her room within a second, he spoke the truth. I felt the wind blew in from the window and saw the rope of blankets dangling out."Where was Felix? He was supposed to be guarding her!" I exclaimed. "I don't know master. Would you like for me to go find her?" Demetri offered. But I'd like to deal with her myself. "No need. I'll take care of the matter." I stated. That woman will be the death of me.

The sound of crickets throughout the town was very soothing at this time of night. I tried to look for a ride but since it was so late not many people were around. "Are you lost madam?" I heard from behind. There was a man leaning against his car, the exact person I needed at the moment.

"Not really. I just need a ride to the airport, can you help me please?" I asked the man. "Of course mia cara! Hop in and I will take you there." he opened the door for me gesturing for me to get in. I stepped in, closing the door for me as soon as I got in. I was putting on my seat belt as he got in then we were off. It was going to take a bit to get there so I tried to call my dad but I had no service.

"So what is your name?" the man broke the silence. "Y/N" is all I said. "Y/N. What a very pretty name for a very pretty lady." he said. I didn't respond back, I only gave him a little smile. I saw the familiar lane the school bus went through on the way to the hotel when we got here, straight ahead, but he turned the other way.

"Sir, you went the wrong way it was straight ahead." I had told him, but no response. "Sir did you hear me? I said you went the wrong way." I had told him again, but again no response. He stopped the car in an alley. Then I realized what was going to happen.

Before I could get out he had grabbed me with a firm grip. "Where do you think you are going pretty lady? The fun is just getting started" He exclaimed. I saw a bottle in the cup holders between us, so I grabbed it and smashed it onto his head, making him let go. I opened the door rushing so fast to get out that I fell onto the ground, hitting my head. He got out now about to grab me, but before he could he had flew across to the dead end of the alley. It happened too quick for me to see that it was Caius who had made the man fly across the alley, and not even a second he's in front of the man on the ground. He lifted the man up and I could hear him saying something to the man, but I couldn't hear him clearly. What was he saying?

This man hurt her. I can smell her blood. But this man's blood dripping down his face was filling the air, it was making me thirsty. But she was there, watching me. I didn't want to scare her away from me again, but nor could I let the man get away with the knowledge of my kinds existence. There was only one thing left to do, so I lifted him by his shirt and gave him my warning. "You touch her again, let alone lay your eyes upon her, I will kill you." I exclaimed, before biting into his neck. Getting a taste of his blood but I was able to control my hunger. The man was unconscious, now slowly in the process of turning. "What did you say to him?" I heard from behind me.

I asked him what he had said to him. His only response was an angry glare until he finally spoke. "Get up." He gave me his hand helping me stand. "You idiot, how dare you try to run away from us? Let alone at this time of night. You can't just escape from this bond, I get that you don't want ant part of this but you're not the only one." He exclaimed, but I said nothing. I was still processing what I had witnessed, what I was put through. "I know you want to go home and see your family, and you will. But it's much more dangerous out here then it is with us you can't trust anyone." He explained. "So why should I trust you?" I asked. "Well I did just save your life." He stated, and had a good point.

"How about this, if you continue to stay with us then I can arrange something so you can see your family again. Does that sound fair?" He said. I was hesitant about it, but he was right. He did save my life and I'm grateful for that, for who knows what that man could've done. I nodded, but felt a drop rolling down my forehead. "You're bleeding, we'd have to get that taken care of before heading back. Everyone at the Volturi is not so controllable about their thirst as I am." He stated. He grabbed his  handkerchief from his pocket and placed it against my head from where it was bleeding.

After that was taken care of he took me back to the castle and escorted me back to my room before heading off. "Wait!" I exclaimed. He turned to me giving me his attention. "Yes?" He asked. "Thank you for saving me." I told him. Although I still didn't feel comfortable with what was going to happen between us I was still grateful for what he did. "You're welcome Y/N." He said. "Also, what did you say to that man? I heard you say something to him." I asked, it took him awhile for him to respond. "Its nothing of importance, now go get your rest. I'll see you tomorrow." He said before speeding off. What on earth did he tell the man?

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