The Tour

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⚠️TW: blood, violence⚠️ F/F=Favorite Flower

All of yesterday since we got here it feels like my heart was throbbing, sometimes the sharp pains would come back. I couldn't sleep last night at all, so today will be a tiring day. Especially sense Mrs. Caruso scheduled a tour today somewhere, she hasn't told us where to yet. She wanted it to be a surprise, I just want to get this trip over with. I can't imagine how my dad is doing, I was going calling him when we landed but I got so distracted by the stupid throbbing in my chest.

I got up from the bed then took a shower and started getting ready. My roommate was gone when i got out of the shower so I had the room to myself. Nice. The weather here says it's gonna be about 72° degrees outside, a little warmer then it is in Forks but it's not too bad. I picked out an outfit that would be great for this sort of weather.

 I picked out an outfit that would be great for this sort of weather

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A few minutes after my roommate came in. "Mrs. Caruso says it's time to go. They're outside side of the hotel we're walking there." I quickly grab my bag filled with my phone, wallet, my art supplies and sketchbook. I walk out of the hotel, I saw many people wearing alot of red, must be for some event here. Mrs. Caruso looks at me with confusion. "Cara must you bring the sketchbook?" I was serious when I said I can never go anywhere beside. "There's so many things here to draw, I even might find inspiration to where we're headed, where are we going anyway?". It was a mystery to where she was taking us. Creepy.

"You'll find out on your way there, come along now." She heads off then me and my classmates follow her.

A few minutes later we end up of in front of a small yet very beautiful castle. When I got there my chest pain grew much more. "Students, This is the Volterra Castle. I have scheduled tour around the place to learn about its history here and the town." We went in and a beautiful girl was waiting up front.

"Welcome students! My name is Heidi and I will be your tour guide through out the Volturi Castle!" She announced. Volturi? I think she might've pronounced it wrong, oh well it doesn't matter. My pain in my chest grew even more it felt like I was gonna throw up. I ignored the feeling as Heidi was already leading the class towards the halls and I follow along with them. We made a few stops for paintings, old rooms, what not. I couldn't pay attention though the pain was getting worse.

This feeling I've been having since yesterday grew more and more. I couldn't stop thinking about what happened, how I learned that mates actually exist and that she is out there somewhere in town, and how me and Athenodora were never meant to be. How was I supposed to tell her about this? How I've discovered my mate was here and it wasn't her. I was snapped back to reality by the sound of Edward Cullen being smashed into the small staircase to our thrones. Foolish of me to let such things distract me from work, especially one of them being some girl I don't even know.

I continue focusing on the matter of the situation. Aro was about to devour that stupid human Isabella. "Wait!" Alice Cullen cried. "Bella will be one of us. I've seen it. I'll change her myself."

Aro gestures Demetri to let go of her. She walks towards him taking off her glove then Aro holds her hand.

Aro sees Edward running through the woods of Forks as Bella joins him. He sees the features of a vampire upon her proving she will turn. But that's was not the only thing he saw. He saw brother Caius with a human girl in the Garden of Volturi, for the first time he saw Caius truly happy. The girl he was with was hidden in a blood red cloak, only the beauty of an unforgettable smile can be seen of the girl as she holds a F/F. The vision stops.

Aro smiled widely at the Cullen. "And when was this other vision of my brother?" What? She had a vision about one of us, was it I? Or was it Marcus? She speaks "I saw this back in Forks to a school I attend, I was with her when this happened. She's the mate of Caius." She turns to look at me as well as my brother does with that same wide smile. She knows who my mate is? "Dear brother, is seems that we must talk about this. And as for you Isabella, your gifts will make for an intriguing immortal. Go now, make your preparations."

"Excuse me miss. Is there a restroom nearby? I really need to go." I asked Heidi the tour guide, this feeling in my chest got worse and I felt like i was going to puke. "Maybe try to hold it in for a few more minutes, we just have one more attraction to get to, The Throne Room." She replies. As we walked some more we passed by a bathroom, I don't know if this was considered breaking the rules but I left the group and ran to the restroom into a stall. I hurled my guts out, I felt a sting in my chest as I do so. I had finished up and flushed the toilet, I stepped out of the stall and went to the sink to wash my hands and cleaned around my mouth.

I suddenly hear the class screaming. "What the hell?" I quickly dried my hands and ran towards the direction the screaming when saw I some familiar faces passing through the hall through up front, they were with a pale man with dirty blond hair. I then saw Alice from school but before I could say anything she had grabbed my arm tight. "Leave" She whispered then she proceeded to walk until they were gone. I then heard Mrs. Caruso screaming. The screaming was coming from the door in front of me, I quickly bursted through the giant doors.

My classmates...they were everywhere..blood everywhere....they were dead, I turn to see Mrs. Caruso being in the hands of a tall pale man with brown hair. Everyone turned in my direction as I screamed at the sight of everything covered with red, I tried to run out the room until Heidi grabbed onto me so tight. "Don't worry, I promised Demetri I would save him some food." Food?! Jesus H. Christ they werr vampires, they're real. "No please let me go I won't tell anyone just let go!" I cried. I was so scared. Someone up front on the thrones gestured to Heidi to let go. She did but she threw my to the floor in front of the thrones.

The man with long black hair and red eyes kneeled to me and lifted my chin up to face him. I didn't want to see my fate be sealed. "What is your name dear?"

"Y/N...L/N". I said. "Hello dear Y/N, what a beautiful name for a beautiful meal. I'm Aro Volturi. My brothers, Marcus and Caius Volturi, we do humbly apologize for this. You weren't supposed to wander off you know." I looked at both Marcus and Caius, but once I saw Caius the pain in my chest grew stronger and it didn't stop. I was groaning in pain, then a small groan escaped from Caius's lips. Aro turned to his direction. "Are you feeling alright Caius?" He was distracted, I used that as an opportunity. I pushed him away from me landing on his back of the staircase, I was about to run off but then Caius jumped in front of me and grabbed me.

But suddenly after I felt his touch I suddenly couldn't feel anything at all. Even the chest pain even went away. During the feeling of numbness I saw something, I saw that I was wearing a red cloak, holding up a F/F. I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned to look who was touching me then suddenly I saw the brother holding onto me with a grip then I had collapsed onto the floor.

She was about to run off but I was able to come upfront and grab her before she could escape. But when we touched I could feel a warmth in my hands, but it wasn't coming from her. And the odd feeling in my chest had went away the moment I grabbed her. What on earth? She looked like she was in a trance, then suddenly she collapsed onto the floor in front of me.

I turn to Aro, he quickly ran towards the girl kneeling down to the girl and picked up her hand. He then let go dropping her hand, he turned to me, I had kneeled to his level. "What is it brother?" I had asked. He then started chuckling like a maniac.

"Its her! It's your mate!"

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