The Escape

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Nows my chance.

I rushed to my closet and grabbed all my clothes, I grabbed my suitcase and backpack by my desk. Without even organizing everything I stuffed them all in my suitcase, I didn't care through I just need to get out of here as soon as possible. I put on my shoes and grabbed my stuff, before I could get to the door I heard heavy footsteps echoing through the halls. I hid my stuff underneath my bed and got on covering myself to hide the fact I was still fully dressed. The footsteps came closer, then slowly faded away until it was silent again.

Maybe this was to risky to try to escape. I got out of bed and was about to reach for my stuff but then I noticed the window by my bed, maybe there is another way out. I checked outside the window to see if it's safe enough to sneak out, seems safe enough, it is a little high though. I need to improvise, these blanket and covers might work.

Y/N grabs the blanket and all her covers off from her bed and starts tying them together into a long rope, but not long enough. Y/N turned to the window, to its curtains. She went towards it and began tugging on the curtain, checking to see if it'll hold. She tied the rest of the rope to the curtain and tugged once more.

This should hold. I threw it out the window and watched it fall to the ground, then went to the bed to grab my bags from underneath. I put on my backpack and grabbed my luggage before heading towards the window, I couldn't bring my luggage down with me so I tossed it out the window beside the rope. I began climbing out of the window holding onto the rope, I almost slipped but that's okay at least I'm still alive. I grabbed my luggage from the ground and ran to the far from that place to the village.

"The bond is weakening brothers." Marcus said.

My brothers and I were all in the throne room as the day came to an end. We had to discuss about the stupid girl and the progress. "It's only the first day Marcus, it will grow. Though there might be a small problem during the process " Aro said.

"Whatever do you mean Aro?" I asked. I certainly didn't see a problem with anything. "Caius, as you're working you simply have no time for Y/N and growing to bond with her. So I'm afraid..I must relieve you from your duties as King for the time being." Aro said.

"WHAT?!" I exclaimed

"Masters! We have a situation!"

To be continued...

(Sorry if this chapter was kinda short. Remember I'm back in school and I'm trying to focus on my academics. But also the tension for The Escape🤭. Again I'm sorry)

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