The little things

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I didn't really get a good night's sleep, all because of what happened last night, I woke up around 12pm. I wanted to go back to sleep but then I heard a knock at the door, I went back to sleep anyway. The knocking continued until it finally stopped. A few seconds passed and I don't feel right, that creepy feeling like when you're walking home alone but you think someone's watching or following you. I felt a sudden chill run through my body making me rise from my bed, to see a figure.


"Sorry! Sorry. I didn't mean to frighten you." Caius said standing in front of my bed.

"How long have you been standing there for?" I asked. "Since you fell back to sleep. You didn't answer the door so I welcome to myself in." He said. Fucking creep. "Well don't do that again, it's weird." I exclaimed.

"Apologies, I won't do it again." I said. I felt so guilty for startling the girl that I almost forgot the whole reason I came here in the first place. "I almost forgot, I wanted to take you some place today. Would you like that?" I asked.

"Where to?" Y/N asked.

"To the garden, since I'm relieved from my Royal duties I must use my time to get to know you."

He must? I don't think he's doing this because he wants to. He probably doesn't have much choice since he's kind of on a royal break, but the garden sounds nice. "Okay." is all I said. "Just let me get ready first.". Caius nods and leaves me to change.

I put on my shoes and step outside seeing Caius leaning against the wall across my room

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I put on my shoes and step outside seeing Caius leaning against the wall across my room. "Were you just waiting there the whole time?" I asked. He nods "I waited here so once you were ready I could show you where the garden was." he said. I'm nodded in response as he started leading the way towards our destination.

A large door ahead of us now, along with a guard holding up what seems to be a dark cloak. We got to the door but before going outside the guard helped Caius put on the cloak, then bowed before walking off. Caius opened the doors to the garden, letting in the bright sunlight that hit my eyes.

"Welcome to the Garden."

She was mesmerized by what she was seeing

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She was mesmerized by what she was seeing. "It's huge!" Y/N exclaimed. I had to stand in front of her to gain her attention. "Yes. I thought this would be a good place to just walk and talk." I said. I lay my hand out for her to take to help descend the small staircase, but she refused. That's okay, I was only doing it to be a gentleman I don't care...

We go down the stairs and start passing through the large garden, it was very quiet at first, what was I supposed to say to my soulmate who's a vampire? " old are you?" Caius broke the silence. "I'm 17." I answered, he nods in acknowledgement. I asked him the same question. "Oh I don't know, I stopped keeping track decades ago.". Decades? How OLD was this guy? "Does that mean you forgot your birthday?" I asked. I just had to know how old he was. "Not exactly, I forgot the date of my birth but I know it was around 1300 BC when I was born." He said.


"That's cool. But just to make it easier to know how old were you when you became a vampire?" I asked, trying to contain my shock. "Oh I can't remember too well, maybe in my early 20's. 22 I think. I believe so yes." He answered. So he's been 22 years old for awhile, even though that wasn't his actual age, if he was human he'd still be a little too old for me. I kind of feel bad for him, being alive for so long, watching his loved ones go as he's still here. I was going to ask more about it, but I changed my mind, it's too personal.

"When is your birthday?" Caius asked. "Y/B. It's only a few months away." I answered. He nodded and turned away, as if something were wrong, I didn't want to ask though. "Do you have any hobbies? Anything you like to do?" I asked him, but he didn't answer. I tapped his shoulder to regain his attention. "Sorry, um... my interests you said?" Caius said. I nodded in response. "There's not many things that interest me anymore as they've become boring over my years. Painting, sports, writing, it's all become unsparking. Actually you know what? I do enjoy playing the piano along with singing." He said.

"Piano? How cool." I said. We continue to walking around the garden, learning new things about each other. I learned about how he became a leader of Volturi, a lot about his past through the years. He learned about my passion for art, about my family, so far things were pretty great. I was getting kind of tired walking through the garden so he decided we'd rest at the gazebo.

"So what do you think of the garden?" I asked. "It's absolutely beautiful Caius I love it." she said an excitement. It was nice to see her like this, after everything she's been through. But right now all I could think about was Athen. How was I to tell her this? That I found my mate and we must... I don't even want to think such a thing. Y/N isn't bad I've grown sort of fond with her actually, but I'm not ready to have something more with her. And her birthday, we don't have much time before her birthday. Now how am I to tell her that her birthday we must-


"Huh?". I was so busy thinking about the situation I forgot entirely I was out here, with her. I forget the garden has that effect on me. "Apologies Y/N, what will you saying? " I asked.

"Are you okay? That's the second time you've zoned out." I said. It took him awhile to say something, but at least he responded. "Yes. But maybe I shouldn't have picked the garden to talk.". I was confused about what he said. "Why?" I asked. "Nevermind that, what were you saying?" Caius said. I was genuinely concerned why he was acting this way, maybe we can talk about this some other time. "I was asking about the appointment you mentioned yesterday, about the portrait." I said.

"Oh yes! Aro suggested we must have your portrait painted soon. It's mandatory for the Volturi leaders and their spouses to have their portraits done. I believe it's tomorrow in the afternoon." I explained. I could see the joy in her eyes, those lovely E/C eyes that she liked the idea. As she said before she loves art. We continue talking about the appointment and what was going to happen before the sun was about to set.

"I'm going to go back to my room, don't worry I remember my way back. Can't wait for the portrait tomorrow!" She said walking off back to her chambers. I stay to watch the sunset. I must say I'm quite excited for tomorrow.

Authors Note:
Hi lovelys I am absolutely sorry this chapter taking a long time to publish and I am even more sorry that the next one will be even longer to publish. Your portrait is being done for vampire royalty so you must look ravishing in the medieval gown they suggest, made by a very talented designer (yours truly🤭) for the portrait. I am currently drawing 3 gowns that all of you get to vote which one want to wear. The gown with the most votes is what you wear for the portrait down by a very talented artist(also yours truly😎). Yes I'm also going to try to draw the portrait for you.

Again do forgive me for the long waits but thank you for your patience and appreciation. I hope your enjoying your field trip to happiness and I'll see you next chapter, bye bye👋😊!

(P.S. I might be taking a little break cuz I also got this new book and I REALLY want to read and finish it

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