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After Caius and Y/N returned home safely, Y/N had unpacked her things and went to bed. But a few hours later she was awoken by the sound of yelling and smashing. She got up and decided to wander through the halls, following that noise. The noise led her to the throne room, she could hear Caius is through the door, along with Marcus and Aro. She could also hear the groaning pain from Felix, who is thrown into a pillar by Caius. The yelling had continued.

"Brother please there is no need to get physical." Aro said. I didn't bother to acknowledge my brother. "You weren't supposed to leave your post! You only had one job to protect Y/N! You've disobeyed a strict order from your king, your punishment is death." I exclaimed. I was about to go for the kill until Aro got in my way. "That's enough Caius!" He exclaimed. "Need a remind you that your responsibilities as king are on hold until further noticed?". I had forgotten about that, damn it. "That doesn't mean you are no longer King brother, it only means you don't have to do your duties as king. That way you can have time trying to build that bond with Y/N." He explained. Though I really didn't want to build a bond with that human, it would give me back the responsibilities of being king. "Fine, I accept.".

Wow. I didn't realize that I would be a burden so much that it would cost Caius his job. Along with him being married already too. How would this work out? I would leave but we all know how that turned out. I should just go apologize to him, even though the situation is a bit personal I had to, now. So I walked in interrupting them, now all their attention on me. "Y/N. What are you doing still awake?" Aro asked. Caius welcomed me with his usual glare, and Marcus well as usual quiet. "I heard a lot of commotion and I woke up, is everything okay?" I said.

"Apologies Y/N. We were just discussing important matters, there's no need to worry you can go back to sleep." Caius said. Obviously there was a need to worry. "Caius, I heard everything. " I said. The Kings looked at each other in shock and turn back to me, but I had to continue. "Please forgive me for eavesdropping Aro, but I'm sorry for being a disturbance by being here, because of this soulmate's deal." I said. Caius's glare turned into a face of guilt, before he turned away from me. I walked up to him placing my hand on his shoulder, making him look at me he was clearly uncomfortable with it but I needed his attention.

"I'm sorry for everything Caius, I feel more like a burden than a prisoner or a guest as your brother say. I'm sorry for running away, getting Felix punished although it was my fault in the first place. I'm sorry you had to waste your time coming to get me and to get me out of harms way. I'm sorry for getting in the way of you and your wife. And I'm especially sorry for making you lose your job as king." I had said. It had taken him a bit to respond, he then started chuckling.

Although I didn't appreciate her eavesdropping on our conversation she seems to care. "I do want to leave now not only to see my family but so I won't be a burden in your life, like you said I've ruined so much for you but that's not what I intended." She said. Oh goodness I forgot I told her that, I should've known better. "Y/N, forgive me for my words. I was very angry about this situation but I've learned to be tame with it. As for your apologies I forgive you." I said. She gave me a warm smile as she was gazing into my eyes, it was quite mesmerizing. Her beautiful E/C eyes were so mesmerizing that I didn't even notice she was saying something else until I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Is everything alright Caius?" Said Marcus. My brothers and Y/N were all looking at me concerned. "Yes, forgive me what were you saying Y/N." I asked. "I was just saying thank you." She said, I only nodded.

He was acting kind of weird, but at least he forgave me. "Again, do forgive me for eavesdropping Aro, i'll be going back to bed now." I said. "Allow me to escort you." Caius said, standing beside me now. I nodded then we were on our way to my room.

"The bond is starting to grow, barely but surely." Marcus said.

It was very quiet on our way to her room, so I had broken the silence. "You know, I didn't lose my job as king. I'm still king, I just can't take care of the responsibilities of being one." I explained. "Well either way I'm sorry." She said, the poor girl seems to apologize alot. "No matter, there's no need to keep apologizing. I forgive you." I said.

We were at her room now so it was time for me to go. "So what's the plan for tomorrow?" She asked. "I'm not sure, I do know Aro arranged an appointment to get your portrait done sometime this week, we'll talk more about this some other time. Now go get your rest." I said. We then parted ways. She's gone to bed and I ran to gardens, waiting for the new day to begin.

(Sorry if the ending wasn't too creative, I was kinda writing this in one of my classes so I had to be really stealth😅. Hope you enjoyed today's chapter, love you guys!)

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