The Situation

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Caius's POV

"What happened to my portrait?"

I heard that familiar voice, it couldn't be...I turn to her. "Athenodora, darling. I didn't expect to see you for another few da-"

"Save it!" I had been interrupted. "Athy, please let's talk about this in a more settle way this was unexpected for me too." I exclaimed. "Who is that? And why has she taken my spot for my portrait?" She asked.

"I will answer every you have for me but let's talk about this somewhere else." I escort her to the garden where a guard holds out our cloaks for us, with our cloaks on now I lead her to the gazebo and sit her down.


"So...we don't belong together?" the sorrow in her voice broke my undead heart. "What is her name? I want to know the name of the human replacing me." Athenodora says. She looked as if she was about to go on a hunt for Y/N. "That's a question I'm afraid I don't want to answer." I respond. After explaining everything we just stood there silently thinking about the situation, until Athy rushed back inside unexpectedly. I was able to catch up to her, leading me to the throne room where Aro and Marcus were talking until Athy slaps them BOTH across the face...oh damn.

"Athenodora! What a pleasant, yet painful surprise." Aro says while rubbing his cheek. "I should've hit you harder til' your face was cracked!" Athy exclaims. I placed my hand on her shoulder and held her back a but to calm down. "Darling please, you must try to contain yourself." I tell her.

"I assume this means you know about the situation then?" Marcus says in a settle tone. "Every. Single. Detail." Athy replies balling her hand into a fist. We were interrupted by Sulpicia walking in. "Alright then, Y/N is done getting- Athen! You're back early." Sulpicia says, but I really wish she hadn't. "So that's her name? Y/N? I'd like to speak to this Y/N now!" Athy responds as she tries heading out the room, but Aro and I block her path before she could get to the door.

"My dear, might I see your hand before you see Y/N?" Aro holds his hand out waiting for her to grab it. Athenodora glares at me and then to Aro before getting a good grasp of his hand. "Gently dear gently." Aro tells her before he could see her thoughts, Athy loosens her grip so now Aro could proceed.

Third person POV
Aro had began to see what was on Athenodora's mind. The first thing he saw was red, everywhere. Splattered all over Y/N's room. Seen on the bed was Y/N's body laying there covered in blood, Athenodora beside her with blood drops rolling down her pale ice cold cheeks like tears and blood covered her lips. But then Aro saw Caius appear in his vision, beginning to what looked like feasting on Y/N's neck. Both now having their lips painted red, Aro quickly let's go of her hand. Glancing both at Caius and Athenodora, he was quite frightened.

Caius's POV
"May I go now?" Athenodora asks Aro. He just stood there in silence, like he was stunned until he finally spoke up. "I'm afraid...that's not possible. I'm sorry dear." Aro says. Athy lost control and tried attacking him, Marcus and I had to separate them from eachother. I held onto Athenodora as Marcus helps Aro. She was still trying to charge at him, I started to lose my temper which caused me to throw her against the door, making her weak and lying on the floor. It pained me to do that to my wife, but she left me no choice. I stood before her glaring into her eyes.

"Leave. Now." Is all I say, as I took off my wedding ring and dropped it in front of her. "If we are not meant to be, then I'm afraid it's over." I say before Sulpicia helps Athenodora up. She quickly grabs my ring from the floor before she got up, she doesn't bother to say anything before running out the room. I was so busy being so angry that I had just realized I lost my wife, for good. "I should...probably go see Y/N now." I broke the silence.

"Brother, I think it's best that you shouldn't see her either today. JUST for today." Aro says. "What? Why not? Was it because what you saw? What did you see Aro?" I put my hands on his shoulder with a small grip. He doesn't respond, so I don't bother trying to get the answer out of him.

What is a poor man to do?

Dear readers,
So I have made my decision on whether or not to put pause on this story and begin a Ace × reader story..........I WILL continue to work on FTTH and I will push aside my idea for the new story...for now. That's why I'm going to try to finish this story as fast as I can, which will probably take a long time. But until then I hope you enjoy the rest of your Field Trip to Happiness🤗

          The Author

Field Trip to Happiness (caius volturi × reader)Where stories live. Discover now