Its your mother...

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I hear the door opening from downstairs so I get off my swing and run downstairs to see my dad. "Papa what going on is everything okay?" I asked. My dad looked up at me slowly, his face looked so numb, there was no emotion but there was obviously something wrong with him. "Its your mother...she's in the ER". Those words force me into a shock. I came back to my senses. "What happened to mama?" I could see my dad starting to tear up so I sit him down on the couch and try to comfort him.

"She said that she was gonna walk to the grocery store and then the next thing I know the hospital called me telling your mother was attacked by a wild animal" he broke out into tears. "Is she gonna be okay?" I asked. "The doctors said she lost alot of blood, but right now she'll be fine. She's just in a coma."

A wild animal attack. Those have been happening for quite a bit here. I couldn't believe it. Then I thought about the Italy trip, how could I possibly go at a time like this. "Papa I need to tell you something and I know it's a bad time-" he interrupted "if this is about the Italy field trip I know, Mrs. Caruso called the parents about."

Yup I shouldn't have tried to mention it.

"But don't worry papa. I'm not gonna go I can't leave you and mama at a time like this." My dad gave me an upset gaze but turned away and sighed. "I think you should go, I don't want you worrying about your mother she'll be fine. What more important is that class.". Why was he saying this? I can't possibly leave him alone worrying about my mother. "I want you to go on this trip, to learn and to take this stress off about your mom."

"Papa I can't possibly I can't leave you here alone worrying about mom". He placed his hand on my cheek wiping off the tear I haven't noticed I shed. "Don't worry about me sweetpea, I'll be here to take care of your mother and myself. It will be okay. Now go get that permission slip so I can sign it."

I did as he said but I was still concerned about the matter. I got the slip and went back downstairs to my dad. "Here." I hesitantly gave to him. He took out a pen from his pocket and signed away like nothing had happened. "Here you go sweetpea" he handed me the permission slip.

I was so worried about both my parents. How could dad worry more about my grade then my mother's life.

I can't believe anyway of this.

(Sorry if this chapter kinda short)

Field Trip to Happiness (caius volturi × reader)Where stories live. Discover now