Andiamo!(Lets go!)

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A Week After
Yesterday I went to go see my mother at the hospital, she was still in her coma. She look drained and pale, I could see her cheek bones clearly. Then I noticed a bite on her shoulder, it looked quite small yet deep. "Visting hours are over its time to go." I hear the nurse behind me. I gave my mom a quick kiss on the forehead before I could leave. "I'll see you in a week."

The Next Day
The field trip was today and I was still packing. I hardly travel and I don't know what or how much I'm supposed to take for a week's trip.

I packed enough clothes that would last me for the week, my hygiene products, charger, a bathing suit. It seemed that I needed one, I heard it was warm out there and sense we might stay at a hotel they're bond to have a pool there. I also packed my sketchbook and my art supplies. I could never go anywhere without them.

I closed up my suitcase and grabbed my backpack just in case, this was a school field trip after all. I came downstairs to see my dad waiting beside the front door. "I'm driving you to school today." Is all he said before walking out the door, I quickly followed him to the car and he begins to drives off.

We get to school and I can see Mrs. Caruso and my other classmates waiting outside for the school bus to pick us up. I turned to my dad and see him with a weak smile. "Are you sure you're okay with this?" I asked him. I still felt bad for leaving him here alone while my mom is in the hospital. "I don't want you to go just so this'll lift your grade in this class a bit, I want this trip to take your mind off of things, you know with your mother. It'll be okay sweetpea." I hear a loud honk outside, it was the bus here to come pick us up.

I gave my dad a tight hug. "I'll see you in a week I guess. I love you". He gave me a kiss on my forehead before I could leave the car. "I love you too".

I walk out of the car and grab my luggage and backpack and walk to the bus. I turned to look at my dad driving off and giving me a quick wave goodbye. "Y/N! Come on now the bus is waiting." I hear Mrs. Caruso behind me and I quickly run onto the bus and sit in the back. I take out my headphones and listen to my music on the way the airport.

Time Skip
We were on the plane for hours. Didn't think it would take so long to get there. A few more hours past and I see a Dusty yellowish Town below through my window, is this what Volterra was? It's not too bad I guess but not what I'm used to. The plane landed and we all get off. We all went outside of the airport to get to another bus but once I was outside I felt a sharp pain in my chest. "Ow!" I muttered. What the hell was that? But the pain kept going, it hurt a little less but my heart felt like it was throbbing. Is this was plane sickness feels like?

In the Volturi
"Ow!" What the hell? What was that? "Is everything alright teroso?" I hear my wife Athenodora behind me as I sit in front of my piano.

"Nothing to worry about dear. I must go though to see my brothers, I'll see you momentarily" I get up and kiss her forehead before I speed off to the throne room

What was that sharp pain in my chest? How was that even possible for my dead heart to feel something? I still feel it somehow. I barge into the throne room slamming the doors open.

"Brothers!" My two brothers Aro and Marcus turn to my direction. "What ever is the matter Caius?" Aro comes closer. "Something strange is happening to me, a pain in my chest, it feels like it's throbbing, how is this even possible?!" Aro turned to Marcus giving him a wide smile, I hate when a does that. "Oh my." I hear him say under his breath.

"What?" I asked. He then turned to me a started chuckling like a child, foolish. "It seems to me that she's finally here." Marcus speaks. What did he mean by she? Who is she?

"What ever does he mean Aro?" I asked. "You're mate has set foot in Volterra, you're soulmate is here!" What did he just say? Soulmate?! There's no such thing, but even if there was Athenodora is my mate, no one could possibly replace her.

"You speak foolishness brother. Athenodora is my wife, my mate." Aro and Marcus start laughing, how dare they.

"You and Athenodora have quite the strong bond Caius but the relationship is incorrect, she is not your mate" Marcus walks over to me and Aro. "He speaks truth brother, tell me this. When you met Athenodora, did you have that same feeling in your chest that you have now?" I begun questioning myself about Athenodora, could it be true?

"..No" I muttered. "Very well then, you and her were not meant to be. Now then, the hours are passing quickly brother. Tomorrow Edward Cullen will be stopping by so prepare yourself for an interesting meeting."

I leave the room, but I don't bother to go to my room where my wife awaits. How could I possibly face here after learning she's not the one for me. I instead ran to the gardens sitting at the gazebo to think. Staring out into the village of Volterra.

Who out there could possibly be the one for me?

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