Art of the Undead

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Authors note: Before reading please know that there are Italian lines used in this chapter that I got from Google translate, if you notice that the translation looks incorrect I am terribly sorry and that I hope I do not offend anyone. The English translation will be in the comments.

The time is 10:00am. As the Volturi servants and artist were setting up for Y/N's portrait the Kings decided to help by picking a regal dress for her. They spent many minutes looking for the right dress, but still no luck. Marcus suggested a black dress, his brothers didn't approve. Aro suggested a gold dress, his brothers didn't approve. "It should be red, to represent our royalty." Caius said. Aro was ecstatic about the idea so they start looking for dresses in different shades of red.

I didn't actually choose red because of our royal representation. That night, she was bleeding. I was able to contain myself, but I can't get her blood out of my head, it's ridiculous! I want to find a red dress that matches her shade. This seems like a nice dress. "Brothers, what about this one?"

"Oh Caius it's marvelous! She's going to look absolutely stunning

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"Oh Caius it's marvelous! She's going to look absolutely stunning. I'll take the dress to Y/N while you two make sure the artist and his crew have everything set up." Aro says taking the dress off my hands. In a second he's gone to deliver it to her. "Let us go Marcus, the painter should be ready now."

And while all was happening Y/N had a little help getting ready from Sulpicia, Aro's wife.

"Sulpicia, may I ask you a question?" I asked. She's been helping me a bunch this morning, she was kind enough to let me use her necklace for the portrait. "Is it about the hair? I thought it would look good, do you want something else??" Sulpicia asks.

"No no the hair is beautiful. It's just about Caius's wife." I said faintly. "Oh! You mean Athenodora, what about her?" She questioned. "Well I just don't know about me doing this while she's in the picture, where is she, and does she know about this?" I asked. She was about to answer, but there was a knock at the door.

"Ladies, I have the dress." It sounded like Aro. "Come in dear! We won't bite, at least Y/N won't." Sulpicia looks at me chuckling, but I didn't get it "A little vampire humor." she said.

Aro comes in holding a beautiful red gown, Sulpicia and I were stunned. "Oh darling it's perfect! What do you think Y/N?" She asks taking the dress out of Aro's hands. "It's gorgeous Aro, thank you" I said. "Oh don't thank me my dear, Caius was the one who picked the dress. Now get dressed quickly, the artist is waiting." He says before speeding out of the room. Can't keep the artist waiting.

Shortly after Y/N gets ready, her and Sulpicia make their way to the throne room, where the painting will take place. Caius notices Y/N walking in, "She looks amazing." He says in his head.

"Ciao mio caro! Devi essere il mio prossimo capolavoro, piacere di conoscerti!" The painter says. But Y/N didn't understood a word he said. "He says hello, you must be his next masterpiece, and that it's nice to meet you." Aro interrupts. "This is Kris our royal painter, just sit right here and he'll take care of everything. "Caius says. Y/N sits on Caius's throne, it is tradition that the fiance of the Volturi Kings must sit on the soon to be husband's throne for their royal portrait.


"È completo! Ora puoi riposare." Kris says. He shows me the painting as I get up from Caius's throne. "Kris it's absolutely beautiful I love it thank you!" I exclaim. As an artist myself I see that he put a lot of thought and detail into everything.

"Tornerò e rifarò il suo ritratto quando si transformerà in hna di noi." Kris explains, but I didn't understand him. I asked the Kings what he had said but they all just looked at each other not saying anything.

"He says it was a pleasure for him to meet you, any hopes to see you again soon." I exclaimed, I lied too. She can't know, not yet at least. Marcus and Aro escort Y/N back to her room as Kris starts packing his things.

"Non parlare Della trasformazione di Y/N's davanti a lei, anche se non riesce a capire non è sicuro parlarne." I tell Kris. He nods and finishes up his packing


Y/N's portrait is now hung up along with my brothers spouses, having to remove Athenodora's portrait. Caius has been standing there looking at the portrait for a almost 30 minutes. Athenodora has been out on business and Caius has been missing her deeply, but he also starts to feel a small connection towards Y/N. But it's only been platonic.

"What happened to my portrait?..."

Authors note: Hello my readers! Yes finally a new chapter of your field trip to happiness is out. I just want to say thank you for your patience and your support, t is certainly alot of pressure writing a story but I'm just glad you guys understand and I love you guys🤗💜

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