These feelings?

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"Its her! Its your mate!" Aro said.

This girl that lays before me. This mortal, this my mate...impossible. I get up off my knee and notice the guards were staring. "out...OUT! ALL OF YOU!" All of them leave the throne room, my brothers stay.

"This can't be. She's a human!" I yelled. I was angry. Out of everyone it Volterra, it had to be a human, I mean at least it wasn't a werewolve, but still! "Brother. You can't choose what or who your mate is, its fates decision. You must be grateful you have a mate at least, some don't have one. Like you with no power." He did not just go there.

"What do we do with her brothers? Marcus speaks up. Aro stands to pick her up bridal style, how dare he touch her? Wait a minute what was that? I suddenly felt upset at him. Foolish. "We can give her a guest bedroom. We also need to find out where she was staying before, and send someone there to grab whatever things she brought here." Aro suggested.

"I'll go." I said. I suddenly regret my desicion. Either way, her scent stuck to me when we touched, I can track it to where ever she came from. "Wonderful! I'll take her to a room, you best be on your way Brother. She could wake up any second.".

I arrive at a hotel with Heidi. "Heidi, go distract the Receptionist. I'll go to her room." I ordered. "Yes master." She goes to the front desk, he wasn't looking so I go to find her room. I found it and broke the door open, I could also smell the other human I had for lunch earlier. I can't imagine what was going through her head when she saw her fellow friends dead, I wonder how she's doing. Wait! Ew! What was that? Im letting my foolish behavior get to me, lets just grab her things and go.

Caius starts packing up all the things she had set up in the hotel, he packed the clothes, hygiene products, charger everything she brought to the trio. He stuffs them in the luggage and grabs her backpack, he walks out the hotel room back into the lobby.

"Our work here is done Heidi stop fiddling with the receptionist let's go!" I ordered her. "Can't we bring him with us? He looks so delicious." She says in a seductive tone towards the man. "Sense Demetri can't eat our left over guest you can bring him. But ONLY for Demetri not you" I exclaimed. She brings along the man and we head back home.

We walked back into the Castle. "Demetri! We brought you a snack!" Heidi said. Demetri rushed here in a second. "I can't believe you didn't save me some from that tour group like I asked. But still you brought me someone so thank you". He sped towards the receptionist, good lord his screams were annoying yet humorous.

I wonder if Y/N has woken up yet

*Sorry if this chapter is kinda short, i was gonna write the explanation from the kings in this chapter but I'm just save that for its own chapter, I hope so far you are enjoying this book😊*

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