Explanation please!

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The bodies...the blood....the red eyes are all on me...they're everywhere..everywhere...everywhere! EVERYWHERE!!!

I wake up in an instant

This wasn't the hotel room, its much more...fancy looking. This couldn't have been a nightmare then. As I was waking up three mean walked in from the door on the left side, I recognized who they were I remembered what they were so I backed away swiftly hitting my back against the bedframe.

"So lovely to see you've awaken. Do you remember us?" The man in the middle said. I did remember who they were, specifically the blond man. "You're Aro." Is all I said. "Yes dear, and my brothers?" He asked. "Caius...and Marcus?" I couldn't remember the third ones name. "That's right! How are you feeling?" How am I feeling?? What kind of a question is that once you've learned vampires are real and they ate your class!

"I'm okay I guess." Is all I said.

"Wonderful to hear, isn't that right Caius?" Aro said.

Aro turned to me asking such a question. I could care less about this human, I'm still focused on how to explain all this to Athenodora. "Yes brother." I said but I turned away, he was taunting me about my mate.

"Yes brother." Caius said, he turned away after he had answered, he looked annoyed. What was his problem?

"Killers" I thought to myself, Aro turned to me then offered me his hand. I was hesitant about giving him a handshake, what if he was going to pull me in and eat me. Before I could respond he grasped onto my hand and...meditating? What on earth was he doing?

Aro held onto her hand, he saw through her eyes what had happened in the throne room. He saw the name she had given them "killers".

He was back from his weird meditation whatever he was doing. "Yes, sorry for the inconvenience Y/N. We are no killers, we were just having lunch. We were going to save you for one of our guards, but we had a change of plan." Aro said with a chuckle. First off, HOW THE FUCK DID HE KNOW ABOUT MY INSULT?! Secondly what does he mean by change of plans?

"How did you know I called you that? What do you mean by change of plans? What are you going to do? I want an explanation please! For everything." I exclaimed

The three men all looked at eachother and nodded. "I was able to read every thought you've had with just a touch. Its called tactile telepathy, it's my gift. As for the change of plans, we were saving you for someone but when you tried to escape Caius caught you. It seemed that both of you were experiencing the same feeling in your chest. But as soon you two touched something had happened, yes?" Aro was right. I did feel something, I even saw something. but I didn't know it was from the touch, and I certainly didn't know that Caius was feeling something in his chest too. Odd.
"Yes. I saw something too. I was in a garden with someone, he touched my shoulder but I didnt see who it was" I replied

Then Marcus had finally spoken up "That man you saw was Caius. You see when you have a pain in your chest and it suddenly goes away from touching that certain someone, then that means you have finally met your mate. That only happens if one of them is a vampire, that vampire doesn't see a vision but the human can. Thats what happened when you and Caius touched. And as you are a mate of one of the Kings of Volturi that means no one is allowed to harm you, if it is done so then they must be greatly punished."

"Mate? As in soulmate you mean?" I asked. Marcus and Aro nodded as Caius scoffed and looks away from my direction. I couldn't believe it, this guy this bloodsucker is supposed to be my soulmate? "I don't believe this, how am I supposed to be soulmates with a vampire?! I don't want anything to do with him or any of you bloodsuckers." I stated. I then saw Caius looking disappointed and kind of sad, I felt sort of guilty about what I said now.

"I don't believe this, how am I supposed to be soulmates with a vampire?! I don't want anything to do with him or any of you bloodsuckers." She had stated. I suddenly felt a saddness to those words, in all my life I never felt ashamed of who I was until now, I felt like a monster..."Rubbish! Don't let it get to Caius, no human can destroy your pride as a vampire." I thought to myself.

"Its true Y/N. Mates are real, and as for you and Caius, you were meant to be together. The bonds are very weak as if it doesn't exist. But it will grow overtime I am sure of it." Marcus said. As if I'd have time to grow a bond with the human. Ugh! I just want to see my Athenodora and be in her arms...but then again...she's not my mate, I suddenly don't feel the urge to be in her arms anymore. She's been away on some business in America, I'll have to tell her about this when she returns.

"For the time being. For this bond to grow your stay here in Volterra will extend." Aro exclaimed.

Y/N and Caius both said at the same time

"I can't stay here longer I have to get back to my family my dad and my mom-" I paused for a second. My mom...the animal attack...the bite...it was similar to...."you.. YOU GUYS ATTACKED THIS! MY MOTHER WAS ATTACKED BY A VAMPIRE! AND RIGHT NOW SHE IS IN A COMA FIGHTING FOR HER LIFE WHILE MY DAD IS ALL ALONE DEALING WITH THAT SORT OF PAIN, AND YOU JUST EXPECT ME TO STAY HERE WITH YOUR KIND AFTER ONE OF YOU ATTACKED MY MOM?!...Like hell I will!" I yelled at them.

Her bickering was quite annoying. But on the other hand..I also felt sympathy for her "We may be monsters but in our dead hearts we are not, we will look into the matter and punish the attacker to avenge your mother." I said, both my brothers turned to me in confusion. I didn't care about their stares, I still wasn't happy with the her staying here but I still must show her our finest hospitality during her stay.

"...How long would I stay here?" I had asked. "That all depends on the bond my dear. Once it is seen my Marcus that it has grown into something perfect, then you are free to go back home. Then surely you'd want to come back to visit your mate so you can come back anytime! So what do you say Y/N?" Aro said. I could tell it would take more then a week for this bond or whatever to grow, or even a month. But then on the other hand, I could just escape, yes. Then I can get a flight back home and see my mom and dad.

"I accept the offer." I exclaimed

"Excellent! And Caius, are you willing to make an effort to grow a bond with your mate?" Aro asked smiling.

I really didn't want to but do I even have much of a choice?

"Yes brother." Caius muttered.

"Splendid! This room here is yours. Caius here already brought all your stuff from the hotel here, we also brought some extra clothes some nightgowns. Also your bathroom is just in front of your bed as you see. I hope your stay here will be wonderful." Aro said smiling before all three of them walk out.

We'll see about that.

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