His affair

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⚠️TW: Self H@rm⚠️

                         The Next day...

I was passing by my portrait on my way to the throne room. Where? I was called to have an important discussion, so I was told. I walk into find the kings on their thrones, they were talking until I walked in, it must have been something serious. Caius got up, but he had kind of a little smile on his face, creepy.

"Is everything okay?" I say chuckling. They all just start smiling at each other and turn back to me. "We have quite some exciting news for you." Marcus replies. At this point nothing is really exciting anymore since I've been staying here...well- It's not like I'm miserable here with the company, everyone is pretty nice to me. Especially Aro, hes like a father figure. Speaking of father I really do miss mine, it's almost been a week since I got here by this time I'm supposed to be home already. My thoughts were interrupted by Aro's hand on my shoulder.

"We believe you've made such excellent progress with us, so we've all agreed to give you back your cellular devices. So you can contact your family." Aro exclaims. Jane comes in holding out my laptop, tablet, and my cell phone. I couldn't believe it, I can talk to my dad finally. "Thank you, thank you so much. You have no idea how much this means to me." I head to my room already trying to get on my phone. But my battery was dead, I'm gonna have to charge it and wait.

   1 hour later...

100%! Now I can call my dad and see how mom is doing. I call him and wait patiently for him to pick up...

                                                            Hi Papa! Y/N! How have you been?
So excited for you to come
back later on.
                                              Oh...about that..

*Shit! How am I Supposed to tell him everything that's happened? I can't, he'll flip! What am I supposed to say then?*

                            About that...I have to stay
                               for a little awhile more.
What, why? How long
are you gonna be there
for then?
                                     A month I think, it's
                                   cuz the bus rides back
                                   to the airport have all
                                    been canceled due to
                                    some circumstances.
That's tragic baby. Listen
I need to go right now I'm
about to go take a shower
and I'm just leaving the
water running to waste.
                                   Okay but I just wanna
                                      know how mama is-
Baby aren't you coming

*Call Ended*

What the- Who was that?…oh my god... Is my dad really cheating on my mom? I try calling him again but it immediately went to voicemail...I just need a glass of water.

"Are you certain it was a good idea to give her back her devices?" Marcus asks me. I had made the decision to give Y/N her belongings. She seems to be enjoying her time here unless I've misunderstood her expressions.

"I'm certain. She seems to be making herself comfortable here. She knows us well enough that we won't hurt her." I tell my brother. "Why not tell that to Athenadora? You saw how she was acting brother, I saw her thought she wanted to kill her! That's why we kicked her out of the-"


A sound of breaking glass cuts off Aro "Did you hear that brothers?" I speak up. "I'm sure it must've come from the kitchen, now please don't change the subject. This could be serious." Aro exclaims. "Brother calm down please, I can assure you she is safe here-" A scent so familiar had suddenly filled the air around me, that smell from that night...

To be continued...

Authors note:
MY LOVELYS I'VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH! I deeply apologize for my long absence I have just been super busy with school but now that it's summer vacation I have enough time in the world and I can certainly promise you the next chapter will be out very soon, I'll see you next time guys and again im very sorry for being gone to long but im happy to be back!🤗💜


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