The years have gone by my beloved IRUKA.

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Ok so in the actual anime iruka and kakashi are 4 years apart with kakashi being older, but in the story they are 2 years apart. ( iruka is 22 and kakashi is 24)

This is a lot, well let's continue.
" ahhhh, I'm getting so old." Iruka sat down at the mission desk thing. I'm guessing this is what sandamine felt when he was still here. " hey iruka can you help out with theses reports and also cover for me because I am going out with my friends." Iruka smiled. " sure basto-San." Soon a few hours past, the rest of the people left while iruka was still sitting there doing the work of the so called "Shinobi"
When foot steps could be heard. " Iruka it's terrible the copy nin kakashi Hatake has a severe injury!" iruka was surprised that his childhood friend was still here, because theses past years they never met again. " what!" Iruka sprung up, he didn't want the only person that was from his childhood to die. " where is he?!" Iruka ran up to the person, and they told him after they said where Iruka ran quickly to the location. Iruka got the room from the medical nin." Kakashi are you ok?" Kakashi turned his head to see his beloved iruka, one of they people who could survive when he was young. " Iruka?" Even though the room was medical nin's the so called fearless copy nin had tears forming. " Kakashi why are you crying?!" Kakashi ran up to iruka and hugged him, with the stares of others kakashi didn't care he wanted iruka. " Iruka it's been so long." Kakashi hug tightened with his fingers deepened into iruka back. " Kakashi...please stop, you can still hug me but loosen your grip." Kakashi looked at Iruka with his teary eyes. what happened to you kakashi? You look so terrible. " Kakashi your bleeding! Here let the medical nin's help you." Iruka picked up kakashi and put him on the gurney ( hospital bed). " don't leave me!" Kakashi tried to jump out of the gurney but the medical nin's held him back. "I won't Kakashi, I will be waiting out side and when they are done I will come back." Kakashi didn't seem to calm down he was still struggling to go to iruka. " Noo! Iruka please don't go."

Iruka was at the waiting room, he could hear Kakashi yelling out his name until it stopped. I'm sorry Kakashi but you need to get your would sewn and washed out to make sure for no infections, why do I feel guilty. " Iruka is it?" A voice appeared. " yes that's my name." Well of course he would know because Kakashi was yelling it out. " Kakashi said he wanted to see you." The medical nin was showing him the room even though he knew where it was, iruka walked in to see Kakashi laying in the gurney where he placed him. " Iruka why did you leave?" Kakashi was talking in a whisper but enough for iruka to hear. " Kakashi I had to because I know the medical nin wouldn't want me to be there, and I would be a waste of space..." Kakashi hugged iruka who was next to the gurney.

" I'm sorry Kakashi, I'm sorry that I left." Kakashi tightened he grip. "Kakashi i won't leave until I have too." Kakashi loosen his grip a little bit. " you promise?" What just happened to you Kakashi? You have been acting like a child ever since you seen my face. "I promise Kakashi, but in your condition you have to stay here for a couple of days." Iruka moved kakashi's arms and went to get a stool. " but I don't like hospitals.." tears began to happen again.

Iruka took the stool over to the gurney. " why did you leave iruka?"
Iruka remember when he had to leave and had to find somewhere cheaper since he only had money from his parents. " because the place I was at I couldn't afford." Iruka looked ashamed. " why didn't you ask me or sandamine?" Kakashi laid down. " well I didn't want to be a burden to you or anyone else." Foots steps came closer to the door, and the door opened. " Iruka you have to leave now." The medical nin was standing in the doorway. " well it looks like I have to go now Kakashi." Kakashi grabbed iruka's arm before he got to far. " Iruka can you give me something when you come back?" Kakashi let go and wiggled back into the covers. " sure Kakashi, I will." Iruka scrubbed Kakashi's hair and went to the doorway. " goodbye kakashi." Iruka went to the mission room closings it up and went home with the papers for grading and doing the mission reports. Now what would Kakashi like? Something dog like?

How many words have gone by: 4957.

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