Here "child"

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It seems like I will Chose a stuffy? No he's a adult, but then what? Hmmm, now thinking of that outburst he had yelling out my name...I have a perfect gift.

Iruka was running over to his classroom to teach his kids, almost being late. Finally there he got to work getting the gremlins under control, it felt like time was passing by.....until this yellow haired trouble maker had different plans for iruka. " come on why do I have to wash this wall off." Iruka helped this trouble maker wash off the paint from the academy's walk. " then tell me Naruto, how did this mess happen?" Naruto brows crinkled. " Naruto please don't do this again because do you know of the great copy nin." Naruto shook his head while still cleaning the wall. " well since he didn't want to stay there for more than a week, the great copy nin said that I will take care of him." Iruka was saying that whole sentence with sarcasm. " wait! Does this mean I can't eat ramen with you?!" Naruto quickly dropped everything he was holding. " well not necessarily I could still bring that child with us." Iruka heard a chuckle.

"Why are you calling the great copy nin a child Iruka-sensei?" Naruto continued to laugh. " well simply he is one...Naruto do you know what the copy nin like because himself told me to get something for him." Naruto's eyes bursted out. " well he has dogs and ummm... ahh I know what!"

A door opened to the hospital room. "Hello kakashi!" Iruka walked over to kakashi. " Iruka!" Kakashi latched onto iruka even though he was a foot away from the bed. "Wow hold on Kakashi you need to be more careful in your state." Iruka walked a little bit closer and then hugged kakashi back. " why weren't you here in the morning?" Kakashi stopped hugging Iruka. " well I didn't have your gift and I had classes to teach." Kakashi was surprised to know iruka teaches others, he thought iruka was going to be a Jonin like him. " well here Kakashi." Iruka held out a stuffed animal that looked like him but a dog. " one of my students went to a place where he custom made a stuffed animal, and he made it look like me." Kakashi quickly grabbed the toy and hugged it, iruka noticed tears forming. " what's wrong kakashi?" Kakashi didn't answer but put his head on iruka shoulder hugging him again. "Sooo why did you make me basically a care taker for you?" Kakashi tightened his grip digging his fingernails to iruka's back. "I-I don't want you to go like the rest of them, e-ever since you left that house nor go to the t-training grounds where we met, l-l..." Kakashi grip was so strong that you would need five shinobi's to pull him off. "It's ok Kakashi you don't need to tell me."

You don't need to tell me because I know what you meant by not wanting me go like every one else.

"When I can leave tomorrow, could we snuggle?" Kakashi loosened his grip. " yes, yes we can Kakashi." Iruka let Kakashi lay down in the gurney. "You act like a child, you know that kakashi." Iruka grabbed kakashi's covers and put them on him. " I-I don't normally do this sort of thing." Iruka went to the doorway. " well good night Kakashi, and make sure not to tear the stuffed animal up." Kakashi turned to iruka. " his name is iruka-Chan, iruka." Iruka smiled and went out of the hospital.

"He for surely acts like a child." Iruka walked back to his house/apartment. I don't know why but Kakashi has really changed from our childhood, maybe he acts like that because he's in the hospital?

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