12| The end?

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At the hospital

-"Well, Mr. Wang Haikuan you are now fully recovered. We are freeing you from jail" Zhan jokingly said

-"Thank you Mr. Xiao! I owe you one!" answered Haikuan and hugged Zhan.

It's a normal thing for Zhan when patients get overly emotional and touchy. But for some reason this time it felt intense. Well, not exactly because of the hug. More because... Because of the dark aura that was coming from Yibo. Who was deadly staring at his dear brother's hands that were tightly wrapped around Zhan's waist.

-"Hope to not see you guys here again!" laughed Zhan. Sounds mean but... Why end up in a hospital again?

Everyone said their goodbyes and Zhan continued on with his day. Just casually cutting people up and stuff. Khmm, I mean helping and saving their lives.

Zhan was exhausted after so much work and went back to his office for a tiny break. He sat down at his desk he noticed a bottle of a energising drink with a note on it

Energy booster ;)
You did great today!

Zhan smiled at the short but heartwarming note. He put the note behind his phone-case, as his new lucky charm.

-"Hey, did you see anyone come into my office?" Zhan asked one of the nurses

-"Ah, One of the nurses was asked to pass a thank you gift from the patients like usual. Orrr you know, some love notes from your fans" laughed the nurse and walked away

-"Yep probably one of my patients" mumbled Zhan and smiled


Months has passed since Zhan has seen Yibo. Nothing really changed. It just felt a boring without a shy clingy teen around you all the time.

But everyday someone leaves a yummy energising snack for Zhan with the same exact words

Energy booster ;)
You did great today!

-"I wonder who it's from"

Days and months end, but the little gifts never did. Even if it was something not really meaningful to others, but it always managed to make Zhan's day a lot better. It gave him motivation to help more people and work harder.

Until one day...

There was no gift. Zhan was quite sad about this

-"I guess nothing lasts forever after all" sadly giggled Zhan and went back to duty.

Zhan went back home after he was done working. And was caught by surprise when he saw Zhoucheng sitting on the couch. Well seeing him was nothing surprising, but he came with his sister today. Thatsss really unusual

-"Hi Jie!" said Zhan happily and hugged her.

Wang Yanli (irl name Xuan Lu), Zhoucheng's sister

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Wang Yanli (irl name Xuan Lu), Zhoucheng's sister

Since childhood the three of them always hung out together. They were like blood related siblings. But then Yanli  fled abroad to study and stopped visiting Zhan.

-"Aiyaa Zhanzhan grew so much!" Said Yanli and pet Zhan's head. "I'll make your favourite soup! Lotus root pork rib soup"

Zhan excitedly hopped like a bunny. Finally eating his favourite in all these years

Just after half an hour the aroma of the delicious meal was teasing everyone in the neighbourhood

Zhan and Zhoucheng were already sitting at the table, excitedly waiting for the delicates. Well of course with a bit of bickering each other. But that's completely normal

Yanli placed the bowls on the table and sat down. Just a fewww seconds and the soup is gone

-"DELICIOUS!" screamed Zhoucheng and Zhan at the same time

-"Thank Jie!" said Zhan

-"Thankyaa" said Zhoucheng

-"Haha as long as you guys are happy" smiled Yanli

They hung out all day, remembering all the good times from the past.


Zhan walked into his office to change into his uniform and noticed an energising drink and a note. Which caught his by surprise.


im back


Although the words were different but the writing style looked exactly like the ones Zhan has been receiving.

Zhan smiled. It has been a year since he last received those little notes. He was happy that someone that cared about him was back.

*Knock knock*

-"Mr. Xiao, we have new trainee doctors. They are waiting in the lobby" said one of the nurse after she knocked

-"Got it" said Zhan putting the note in his pocket and walked over to the lobby seeing some unfamiliar and some familiar faces.

-"Hello everyone, im doctor Xiao Zhan and im here to show you around the hospital-" before Zhan finished his eyes locked up with the person sitting on the benches

-"Yibo?" said Zhan while looking at him.

Yibo stood up and walked over to him

-"Im back"

Heheh thank you for reading and have a nice day!!

Heheh thank you for reading and have a nice day!!

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