40| Forgiveness?

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I can't lose any time, I need to get out and get my revenge. Revenge for ruining everything for me, for taking away my everything. But as much as I wanted to leave, I couldn't. Every single part of my body was in a really weak state. All I could do was stare blankly at the bright hospital light. And shamelessly hope for Xiao Zhan to come over, although it's wrong. I don't have the face to see him. But i've missed him so much...

*knock knock*

-"Come in" said Yibo coldly, but his gaze immediately softened when he saw who it was.

-"Here to do a checkup" said Xiao Zhan without even looking at Yibo.

Yibo silently nodded, his heart aching at the sight of Xiao Zhan. Despite everything, he couldn't help but feel a pang of longing for the man who had once meant everything to him.

 Despite everything, he couldn't help but feel a pang of longing for the man who had once meant everything to him

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As Xiao Zhan went about his examination, Yibo couldn't tear his gaze away from him. Memories of their time together flooded his mind, reminding him of the happiness he had let slip through his fingers.

"Is there anything else I can do for you?" Xiao Zhan's voice broke through Yibo's reverie, bringing him back to the present.

Yibo hesitated for a moment, battling with his pride and his overwhelming desire to reach out to Xiao Zhan. But in the end, he couldn't build up the courage.

-"If that's all, then i'll leave" said Zhan and walked out.

As Xiao Zhan walked away, his heart heavy with disappointment and betrayal, he couldn't shake the feeling of conflict tearing him apart. He had known about the dangerous path Yibo had chosen, despite Yibo's attempts to shield him from the harsh truth. While Xiao Zhan dedicated his life to saving lives as a doctor, Yibo had chosen a darker path, one that involved taking lives.

"Xiao Zhan, wait!" Haoxuan's urgent voice called out, breaking through Xiao Zhan's thoughts.

Turning to face Haoxuan, Xiao Zhan's expression was guarded, his eyes betraying the turmoil within. "What is it, Haoxuan?" he asked, his voice laced with a hint of resignation.

Haoxuan hesitated for a moment, clearly choosing his words carefully. "There's something you need to know about Yibo," he began, his tone serious.

Xiao Zhan listened silently, already aware of the grim truth that Haoxuan was about to reveal.

"He didn't leave you because he stopped caring," Haoxuan continued, his expression somber. "He left to protect you."

A bitter smile tugged at the corners of Xiao Zhan's lips, a mixture of sorrow and understanding in his eyes. He had suspected as much, despite Yibo's attempts to keep him in the dark.

"Everything he did was to protect you, he lives for you. I hope you can forgive him..." Haoxuan added, his voice filled with concern.

Xiao Zhan's heart sank at the confirmation of his worst fears. While he empathized with Yibo's desire to protect him, he couldn't condone the actions Yibo had taken.

"I appreciate your honesty, Haoxuan," Xiao Zhan said, his voice heavy with sadness. "But I cannot overlook the choices Yibo has made. My duty as a doctor is to save lives, not to condone or associate with those who take them."

-"But you're the only one that can save him from this mess. And stop the bloodbath"

Haoxuan's words struck a chord deep within Xiao Zhan, stirring a sense of conflicted emotions. Despite his disappointment and anger, he couldn't ignore the genuine concern in Haoxuan's voice or the truth in his words.

"I understand," Xiao Zhan replied quietly, his tone heavy with contemplation. "But saving him from this mess... it's not something I can do alone."

Haoxuan nodded in understanding, acknowledging the weight of Xiao Zhan's burden. "I know it won't be easy," he admitted. "But you're the only one who can reach him, the only one who can make him see reason."

Xiao Zhan sighed, knowing that Haoxuan was right. While he couldn't condone Yibo's actions, he couldn't ignore the love and connection they once shared. And deep down, he knew that he couldn't abandon Yibo, no matter how much he had hurt him.

"I'll do what I can," Xiao Zhan promised, his voice tinged with determination. "For both of our sakes."

With a silent nod of gratitude, Haoxuan watched as Xiao Zhan walked away, his heart heavy with the weight of the task ahead. He knew that saving Yibo would be no easy feat, but he also knew that if anyone could do it, it was Xiao Zhan. And as he disappeared from view, Haoxuan couldn't help but hope that somehow, against all odds, they would find a way to heal the wounds of the past and forge a path towards redemption together.

Thank you for reading!! Hope you have a wonderful day!!

Thank you for reading!! Hope you have a wonderful day!!

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