39| Acceptance?

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Yibo and Haoxuan couldnt do anything, but obey the devil. Plus it wasn't anything too surprising for them... And the not the first time they've gotten their hands dirty.

-"Let's go." said Haoxuan while loading his gun.

Yibo rolled his eyes in response to him. He just wanted it to be done. Yeah he did feel bad for Jin Guanyao, he did nothing wrong. But it's non of his business anyways. His business is to keep Zhan safe, even if it means sacrificing another.

-"Hey, isn't he like your brothers lover?" whispered Haoxuan

-"Couldn't care less, he has a tone of them. Wouldn't hurt to lose one of them"


They jumped off their motorbikes and headed to an apartment complex.

-"Floor 4, right?" Haoxuan asked


-"What is it this time Yibo"

-"It's my brother's apartment..."


-"Well, he's probably not home anyways"

-"Do you know his lock code?"


-"So it's a good thing, makes the job way easier"

Yibo rolled his eyes and started unlocking the door. But as he was doing that Haoxuan screamed in agonising pain.

Yibo turned around to see Haoxuan passed out on the floor and Jing Guanyao standing beside him

-"You're next" he smiled viciously

Yibo's heart raced as he realized the gravity of the situation. He quickly reached for his gun, but before he could react, Jin Guanyao lunged at him with lightning speed. Yibo barely had time to dodge, but Jin Guanyao's strike still grazed his arm, leaving a deep gash.

Despite the pain, Yibo managed to regain his composure and aimed his gun at Jin Guanyao. But before he could pull the trigger, Haoxuan regained consciousness and tackled Jin Guanyao from behind, giving Yibo the opportunity to fire a shot.

The bullet pierced Jin Guanyao's shoulder, causing him to stagger back in pain. Yibo and Haoxuan used this moment to fled.

Exhausted and battered, Yibo and Haoxuan exchanged a weary glance, silently acknowledging the close call they had just narrowly escaped. As they caught their breath, they knew that their ordeal was far from over, but for now, they were grateful to be alive.

They returned to their hideout. Both in a terrible state.

-"Did you guys get the job done?" asked their boss

-"Uncle... He caught us off guard"

-"SO THE TWO OF YOU CANT DEFEAT ONE?!?" he screamed "beat them" he continued, referring to his minions.

*End of flashback*

I covered my eyes with my hand, since there was a bright light piercing me in the eyes.

-"Where am I" I mumbled. Everything was blurry and I couldn't really regain my full consciousness.

-"At the hospital" Said I familiar voice. One that gave me butterflies every time I heard it.

-"I'm sorry" I said as my first response. It was the words that I owe him the most. And the only one who's worthy of hearing it from me.

-"It's too late Yibo, don't you think" he said as he walked closer.

-"I know, but still... I'm sorry for everything. I don't need your forgiveness"

-"As long as you know" he said coldly and walked out the room.

As he walked out of the room, a wave of regret washed over me. I knew I had hurt him deeply, and his cold demeanor only reinforced the gravity of my actions. I couldn't blame him for not forgiving me; after all, I had betrayed his trust and caused him unimaginable pain.

I lay there in the hospital bed, feeling the weight of my mistakes bearing down on me. Memories of our past flooded my mind, reminding me of happier times when we were together. But now, everything had changed. I had chosen the path of darkness, and it had cost me the one person who truly mattered to me.

Despite the pain and regret, I knew I had to face the consequences of my actions. I had allowed myself to be consumed by all of this, leading me down a path of destruction. But now, lying here alone in the hospital, I realized that none of it was worth losing him.

As I drifted in and out of consciousness, I made a silent vow to myself. I would do whatever it took to make amends, to earn back his trust and forgiveness. Even if it meant risking my own life, I would find a way to right my wrongs and win back the love I had foolishly thrown away.

With that determination burning in my heart, I closed my eyes and drifted off into a fitful sleep, knowing that the road to redemption would be long and difficult, but believing that it was still possible as long as I had hope.

Thank you for reading! Stay safe and healthy!!
its been quite a while since i've posted. My apologies <3

 My apologies <3

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