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Xiao Zhan thought about Haoxuans words day and night. And wether he should save Yibo. And how...

He leaned on his working desk while glaring out the window. His heart sank as he saw a few man in black dragging Haoxuan away by force.

There here for Yibo too...

Without thinking twice he ran to Yibo's hospital room.

-"Xiao Zhan?" Yibo was surprised to see him here at this time. Plus the look on his face was really unusual.

-"No time for chit chats. They are here."

Xiao Zhan's heart raced as he assessed the situation. With the men in black closing in, he knew they had to act fast to keep Yibo safe. Thinking quickly, he remembered a secluded storage area deep within the hospital, a place rarely frequented by staff or visitors.

"Yibo, come with me," Xiao Zhan whispered urgently, his voice barely above a murmur.

Despite his injuries, Yibo nodded weakly, mustering the strength to follow Xiao Zhan's lead. With careful steps, they made their way through the dimly lit corridors, avoiding the main thoroughfares to evade detection.

Finally, they reached the secluded storage area tucked away in a remote corner of the hospital. Xiao Zhan carefully pushed open the door, revealing a dimly lit room filled with shelves stacked high with supplies.

"Quickly, get inside," Xiao Zhan instructed, his voice urgent.

Yibo obeyed, his movements slow and labored as he made his way into the room. With a sense of urgency, Xiao Zhan followed him inside, pulling the door closed behind them.

In the dim light of the storage room, Xiao Zhan could see the pain etched on Yibo's face, his injuries clearly taking their toll. But despite the odds stacked against them, Xiao Zhan was determined to keep Yibo safe at all costs.

They huddled together in the cramped space, surrounded by the faint scent of antiseptic and the soft hum of the hospital's ventilation system. Outside, the sound of footsteps echoed down the corridor, sending a shiver down Xiao Zhan's spine.

But in that moment, all that mattered was the safety of the man beside him. With a silent vow, Xiao Zhan reached out to gently squeeze Yibo's hand, offering him a wordless reassurance that they would get through this together. And as they waited in the darkness, Xiao Zhan knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, he would do whatever it took to protect Yibo, the man he loved, from harm.

In the dimly lit storage room, Yibo felt a surge of gratitude for Xiao Zhan's unwavering support. Despite the danger surrounding them, there was a sense of comfort in knowing that Xiao Zhan was there by his side, a beacon of light in the darkness.

As he stole a glance at Xiao Zhan, Yibo couldn't help but be overwhelmed by the depth of his feelings. Xiao Zhan's steadfast presence filled him with a sense of courage he hadn't known he possessed.

"Xiao Zhan," Yibo murmured softly, his voice barely above a whisper.

Xiao Zhan turned to look at him, his eyes filled with concern. "Yes, Yibo?" he replied, his voice gentle.

Unable to contain the longing in his heart any longer, Yibo reached out and gently cupped Xiao Zhan's face in his hands. In that moment, everything else faded away, leaving only the two of them in their own private world.

"Thank you," Yibo whispered, his voice tinged with emotion. "For everything."

Xiao Zhan's breath caught in his throat at the tender gesture, his heart fluttering with a mixture of surprise and affection. Gazing into Yibo's eyes, he felt a wave of warmth wash over him, melting away the fear and uncertainty that had gripped him moments before.

Without a word, Yibo leaned forward, closing the distance between them and stared at Xiao Zhan's lips.

As Yibo inched closer, Xiao Zhan felt a whirlwind of emotions swirling within him. His heart pounded in his chest, torn between the undeniable attraction he felt towards Yibo and the nagging doubts that clouded his mind. Though he longed to surrender to the warmth of Yibo's presence, a part of him hesitated, haunted by the fear of abandonment and the moral implications of their relationship.

Despite the depth of his affection for Yibo, Xiao Zhan couldn't ignore the troubling reality that surrounded them. Yibo's involvement in dangerous activities, his willingness to resort to violence, stood in stark contrast to Xiao Zhan's own principles as a healer. As a doctor, Xiao Zhan had dedicated his life to preserving life, yet he found himself entangled with someone whose actions often brought harm.

And yet, as Yibo's gaze locked onto his lips with an intensity that left Xiao Zhan breathless, all rational thought seemed to evaporate. In that moment, the love he felt for Yibo eclipsed everything else, blurring the lines between right and wrong. Despite the risks, despite the uncertainties, Xiao Zhan found himself leaning in, unable to resist the magnetic pull of their connection.

Thank you for reading!! Hope you have a great delicious meal today!!! i'm so hungry TT

Thank you for reading!! Hope you have a great delicious meal today!!! i'm so hungry TT

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