34| Using me

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-"I've been anticipating this for a while now"

I've never actually saw or heard him. I've only heard from my mother... I've heard that he was a really nice person before my dad crushed his world. Before his only son died...

I can't blame him for what he's doing to my life. But it's not my fault either.

We are both misunderstood and captured in the cage of endless hatred.. Toward someone that already ceased to exist.

I hate my father, so does he. But the one that's going to get hurt in the end is still me.

I guess this is finally the end?


I woke up in the morning, only to be surrounded by loneliness once again... My eyes searched the room for him everywhere. But he was not here.

but he promised me... He promised he'd never leave me again. He promised me that we'll go through this together.

was it a lie after all?

Fear and and pain struck my heart once again. This is way too much for me to bare. I wish we've never met..

I cried...

and cried

and cried some more. Before sadness turned into anger.

After I came back to my senses I came to a conclusion. If i'm not that important to him. Why should he be important for me?

This decision hurt me. But at this moment it was the only one I can think of. I'm hurt and angry.

Tears of blood fall from my broken heart.
I never thought we would be apart.

When you held me, you said "forever."
Now that you're gone, I know you meant "never."

Saying you love me with that look in your eye,
And that was a cold-hearted lie.

Your tender touch, a soft kiss,
Two things about you I will miss.

As I sit here thinking about you,
My face is wet with tears past due.

I should've cried a long time ago,
But I loved you so.

I know they say love is blind,
But I had only you on my mind.

A hurt so deep it cuts like a knife,
But wounds heal and I'll go on with my life.

Thank you for reading!! Short but I feel like this is a good ending for this chap! Have a good day and don't forget to stay safe

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