Chapter 1

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It was the year 784 and team Natsu was busy cleaning the storage. Wendy walked up to Mira and asked where Natsu was. She told her where and Wendy asked if she could give Natsu his scarf. "Ah, it's very rare for Natsu to drop his precious scarf, that's probably why he keeps spacing out today." Mira giggles.

Wendy gave the scarf to Mira and walked off. Back in the storage, team Natsu was still cleaning.Lucy soon falls off a latter and the whole team goes to catch her. When they all touched, a book fell and made them all go back in time. When they figured out what happened, Natsu and Gray ran off somewhere so Lucy and Erza had to look for them.

"Wear this Lucy, so no one will recognize us." Erza says as she put Lucy in a bunny costume. Lucy blushes and Erza ran off.

Lucy groans. "Stupid Natsu and Gray." She mumbles.

After a while of walking she accidentally bumped into someone. Lucy falls down on her butt. "Watch where you're go-" the man looks down at Lucy.

She looks up at him and her eyes go wide "L-Laxus!" She quickly stands up. Laxus looks at her from head to toe and a small blush appears on his face because of what she is wearing.

"How do you know my name?" He asks.

She starts waving her hands in front of her face "O-Oh umm, because I have heard of you before. You are the great Laxus Dreyar!" She smiles.

He smiles back. "You're pretty cute" He smirks and crosses his arms.

She blushes and looks away. "Th-Thanks.." She mumbles.

He just chuckles. "Hey, Blondie?"

She looks up at him with an annoyed expression "You're blond too, Sparky." She smirks.

He grins and let's out a booming laugh. "Sparky huh?" She nods and grins.

They talked for a while until Lucy realized something. "Crap!" She shouts.

Laxus gets a little startled by her outburst. "What's wrong?" He asks.

"I have to go! Sorry!" She said as she runs off.

After she meets up with Erza, they run and find Natsu and Gray. They tackle them to the ground and they all go back to their time. Meanwhile, Laxus was standing in the street dumbfounded and for the first time in a long time, disappointed. He didn't want that blond girl to leave. Heck, he didn't even get her name! He sighs then heads back to the guild.

Team Natsu make it back to their time and they all head back to the main hall.

Laxus was sitting up on the second floor and saw Lucy walk into the middle of the guild. If he was being honest, he's liked her for a while now. She reminded him so much of that blonde girl he met all those years ago. He really wanted to get to know her, but she was always around Natsu so he never got the chance.

He lets out a heavy sigh. Freed looks at him. "Is something wrong, Laxus?" He asks. His team knew about his feelings towards the blonde girl but they always kept it to themselves.

"Nothin', just thinking about her.." He places his elbow on the table and rests his chin in his hand.

Freed nods. "I am sure that she will return your feelings if you ever told her." He smiles reassuringly.

Then an idea popped into his head. "I'll ask her on a mission." He sits up straight.

Freed frowns a little. "I do not know about that. Would it not seem a little strange to her?" He points out.

"I guess so. I mean, I don't think that we have actually talked before. Well, we have a few times but it wasn't a long conversation." He sighs.

Bickslow drapes his arm over the blonde mans shoulders. "Why not find a job that needs a Celestial Mage, then it won't seem weird."

He wanted to slap himself in the face. How did he not think of that? "Good idea, I'll ask her now." He stands up and heads to the S-Class board.

He grabs a job that is good paying and needs a celestial wizard. He heads down stairs and sees Lucy sitting at the bar drinking her favorite drink. She may not know much about him but he knew quite a bit about her. (heh, Stalker much) He walked up behind her and placed a hand on her shoulder.

Lucy was sitting at the bar drinking a strawberry smoothie and talking to Mira when she felt a large hand grab her shoulder. It made her jump a little and the owner of the hand turns her around. Her eyes go wide in shock. "L-Laxus!"

He grins at her. "Yeah Blondie, that's my name, don't wear it out."

She rolls her eyes at him. "You're blonde too, Sparky." She smirks.

A small flash of sadness crosses his face but soon disappears. "I have a question for you."

"What is it?" She tilts her head.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go on a job. It's S-Class and I need a Celestial Mage."

She thought about it for a while before deciding she could use the money. It would be nice to actually get paid for once without her whole team destroying everything. "Sure, let's go Laxus." She smiles and starts heading towards the doors.

"Luce! Where are you going with him?" Natsu asks a bit annoyed as they walk past him.

She looks back at him and smiles. "We're going on a mission together"

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