Chapter 8

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"Laxus! Get your butt down here right now!" Laxus groans and rolls over in bed as he hears his, now pregnant, fiancé. He opens his eyes and slowly sits up. It's been 6 months and Lucy is 5 months pregnant, already complaining about how 'fat' she is. He stands up and starts to head down stairs in just some pajama pants. "What is it Blondie?" He yawns and scratches the back of his head. He looks at his angry lover and sighs. What did he do now?

Lucy crosses her arms. "I told you to clean up yesterday before I went to sleep! You know that I like to go to bed early, and people are coming over today so I wanted the place clean!" She says angrily. He sighs. 'So moody..' He thinks to himself. "I'm sorry Blondie, I forgot." He winces at how much of a lame excuse that was. "Oh don't gimme that crap!" She sighs and looks away with a pout.

Laxus walks up to her and wraps his arms around her. "I'll clean up right now, okay?" He kisses the top of her head. She sighs and wraps her arms around him then nods. He pulls away and starts to get to work. "You never told me who was coming over by the way." He says as he tidies the living room. Lucy smirks. "Sting and Rogue are coming over, along with Lector and Fro of course." She giggles quietly as he freezes and looks back at her. "Are you serious? Why does that stupid Lightbulb have to come over?" He groans.

She laughs and sticks her tongue out at him. "Don't be such a meanie, you know he won't come after me after all the threats from you. Besides, we haven't seen them in forever!" She smile brightly at him. He finishes cleaning and sighs. "Five months isn't that long." She pouts. "It is to me. Last time we saw them was before I had a bun in the oven!" He rolls his eyes. "Whatever you say Blondie."

Lucy was about to get angry at him until a knock at the door interrupted her. She smiles happily and walks over to the door, opening it and seeing the twin dragons and their cats standing there. "Blondie! It's been so long! Have you left that-" Sting says with his eyes closed, soon opening them and seeing her stomach. "Wha-what happened?!" He falls to his knees dramatically, Lucy staring at him with a raised eyebrow. "Did that stupid lightning freak do this? Did he force you to eat-" Sting gets cut off by a hard smack to the head. "Don't be rude! Can't you tell she's pregnant, not fat!" Rogue yells angrily.

Sting pouts and rubs the spot his partner hit. "You didn't have to hit me.." He grumbles. Lucy giggles and pats his head. "It's alright Stingy-Bee, I forgive you." She smiles brightly at him. He blushes in response and looks away. Rogue sighs and rolls his eyes. "Sorry for his behavior, he's been acting crazy all day because he was excited to see you." Lucy nods at him. "It's fine. Please, come in!"

After a few hours of them talking- and Sting getting beat up by Laxus for implying that his soon-to-be-wife was fat- they bid the Sabertooth members goodbye.

Laxus and Lucy walk hand-in-hand as they make their way towards the guild. Laxus kept getting annoyed at her for stopping every two minutes to look at either a bakery or a little stand that was selling snacks. 'This is your fault too y'know, you got her pregnant.' He hears his mind tell him. He grunts and continues walking, his beautiful fiancée beside him while she munches on chocolate covered strawberries with a wide grin.

Laxus groans when he hears a brawl in the guild as they get closer. Lucy giggles, already knowing what his problem was. They make it to the doors and push them open. "Laxus! Fight me!" Oh yeah, he forgot the stupid pyro was back.. He sighs and waves him off as he and Lucy walk towards the table where their team is.

"Good afternoon Laxus-Sama, Lucy-Sama." Freed greets the couple, Lucy smiles at him as Laxus just grunts. "Wa-oh! You two are later than usual, what were you guys up to?" Bixlow cackles then hisses in pain when Evergreen smacks him over the head with her fan. "Don't be a pervert! They can't do anything like that when she's pregnant, moron!" She scowls at him. He crosses his arms and pouts. "Whatever.." He grumbles.

Lucy rolls her eyes. "Sex life aside, we were late because we had company. Sting and Rogue came over for a bit." She giggles a bit when she heard Laxus growl at the mention of Sting. Evergreen snorts. "Is someone jealous of a certain blond haired guild master?" She teases her leader, laughing when a small bit of pink appears on his cheeks. "I am not jealous." He grumbles.

Just as Evergreen was about to say something else, the guild doors burst open and a loud "LUUUUUUCCCYYYY!!!" Was heard. Laxus growls and Lucy giggles. "Sting! Get back here!" Yells a very angry shadow dragon slayer as he runs after his best friend. Sting spots Lucy and rushes over to her, tackling her in a hug. "Oh Lucy! It just can't be true! You can't have kids with him! You're supposed to have kids with me!" Lucy blushes a little at his words and raises an eyebrow. "Don't tell me that you just caught on that I was pregnant." She giggles when he freezes and looks up at her while giving a nervous laugh. He gets pulled away by the caller by Rogue. "I apologize. He can be pretty slow sometimes." Rogue sates. She laughs and nods. "I figured that out a while ago." Sting pouts. "You guys are so mean."

Sting's face pales as a big shadow suddenly appears beside him. "What did I say about touching my woman, Lightbulb?" Laxus growls. The smaller blond male slowly turns his head to face the angry looking older slayer. "R-Right! Sorry! We'll be g-going now!" He stands up and grabs Rogue by the cape, dragging him with him as he runs. Rogue waves back at Lucy as he is pulled out the guild.

Lucy giggles. "That was interesting." Freed nods. "Indeed." Evergreen burst out laughing. "I-I told you that you w-were jealous!" Laxus blushes. "Shut up!" He shouts at her.

Lucy leans up and kisses his cheek. "You're so cute!" That caused his whole face to go red.

"I am not cute!"

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