Chapter 7

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~Nobody's POV~

Lucy grabbed Laxus' hand and squeezed. "W-what do you mean? Is everything alright?" She could feel the sting of tears as she whispered those words to the little blue sky dragon. Wendy furrows her brows in confusion. "I don't get it. I just heard it's heart beat a minute ago.." She moves her glowing hands around the blonds' stomach. Lucy felt the tears spill over and run down her cheeks at Wendy's words.

Wendy pulls her hands away with a sad look. "I'm sorry Lucy-San.. I couldn't do anything to help it..." She whispers as her own tears form in her eyes. Lucy let's out a loud sob and Laxus pulls her into a tight hug. She cry's into his chest while clutching his shirt. Wendy stands up and bows slightly towards Laxus and turns around to leave.

Once the door was closed, Laxus buried his face into the crook of her neck and let's out a shuddered breath as he try's his best to hold back tears. He really wants a family, especially with Lucy. When he heard Wendy say those words, he broke inside. He was frozen and couldn't move. His child. Their child. Their unborn baby that was barely even half way grown was now gone.

He feels the sting of tears but blinks them away. He couldn't cry. Not now. Lucy needs him. He hugs her tighter as he closes his eyes.


It's been 3 months since that fateful day. After a long time of crying in Laxus' chest, she locked herself up in her room for a week. The only thing she would have is water so she wouldn't dehydrate. She is still sad that she lost her child but has tried her hardest to get back to normal. And she finally was.

She was currently sitting across from Sting and Rogue, Laxus at her side as the four of them played cards. "So Blondie," Sting says as he looks at the said blond who looked back at him, "Have you thought about ditching this wanna be dragon slayer to be with me? I can make you really happy." He smirks and winks at her.

Lucy rolls her eyes when she hears a growl coming from her right side. She places her hand on Laxus' hand and leans forward a bit as she smiles flirtatiously at Sting. "It's crossed my mind a time or two. And I'm sure you can make me all kinds of happy~" She practically purrs. She burst out laughing when a deep flush makes it's way onto his face. "I-It's not funny Blondie!" The holy slayer shouts at her. Laxus smirks. "She would never go for a womanizer like you. I don't know who is worse, you or the stupid cat."

Lucy looked up at Laxus when her laughter finally died down. "I think Loke is worse." She snorts. Laxus chuckles and nods. Lucy then looks over at the still blushing Sting. "Hey Sting? Don't you have work to do at your guild? You are the master after all." She raised a brow at him. He shrugs. "Meh, I'll do it when I get back." He winces and rubs his shoulder as he glare at his black haired partner. "She's right Sting. I saw all that paperwork you had on your desk before we left." He looked at the blond man beside him as he starts to grumble.

Sting stands up with a sigh. "I suppose it's time for us to go. Don't miss me too much, okay Blondie?" He winks at Lucy. She giggles. "I'll try." She teases. He laughs as Rogue stands up and they start to leave, quickly saying goodbye to Natsu and Gajeel on their way out. "I hate that guy.." Laxus grumbles and crosses his arms. Lucy turns to him and wraps her arms around his left one. "Aww c'mon Laxy! He's not that bad." She kisses his cheek. He blushes slightly. "Whatever Blondie.."

Lucy sighs as she leans her head on Laxus' shoulder. She closes her eyes. "I miss it.." She whispers. He glances down at her. "Miss what?" He asks. She squeezes his arm tighter. "Our baby.." She whimpers slightly at the memory of that day. Laxus' eyes soften and he lifts her chin with his right hand, her eyes opening as he did so. "I told you Blondie, we'll try again. Okay?" He kisses her softly.

She sighs into the kiss and nods when he pulls away. "Hey." He murmurs to her. She stares into his eyes. "I love you." He smiles at her. She smiles a little back. "I love you too, Laxus."

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