Chapter 9

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Hey guys, just wanted to say I won't be posting for a bit after this. I'll be super busy because I gotta pack and stuff. Anyways, enjoy!

"Mother- God da- Blondie! Please stop crying!" Laxus panics as he tries to get the 6-month pregnant blond to look at him and failing. "It's too late to go to the st- ow! God damnit!" He rubs his head where Lucy chucked a book at him. "Y-You promised!" She sobs as he tried to hug her again only for her to start punching his chest. "Blondie, please stop. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to forget your chocolate cover strawberries. I was busy." He hugs her tightly to his chest and runs his fingers through her hair, ignoring the pounding on his chest from the little blond.

He sighs and kisses her hair. "How about I make you some? We should have strawberries and chocolate somewhere." He sighs again, this time in relief as she stops hitting him and calms down. "R-Really?" She sniffles while looking up at him. He smiles down at her and nods. "Though, I don't know why you would want them at this time of night, you should be resting." He smirks a little and gives her a pointed look.

She rolls her eyes. "Did you forget I'm an emotional pregnant woman? And it's only 12:43." She smiles and stands up, walking out of the room with Laxus following. "That's my point.." He mutters before walking into the kitchen with Lucy sitting on a stool at the island in the middle of the kitchen. He opens the fridge and starts to look through it, finding the strawberries and putting them in front of the blond before heading to the cupboards and rummaging through them.

Once he finds a big bar of chocolate, he grins in triumph. He puts the chocolate by the stove and grabs a pot, placing in on top and turning it on. After it heats up a little, he breaks the bar into pieces and puts them in the pot, watching in satisfaction as it starts melting.

When it's finished melting, he grabs a bowl and scrapes the chocolate into it. He grabs it and places it in front of his lovely, smiling, fiancé. He smiles as she grabs a berry and dips in in the sauce, moaning softly and closing her eyes. "This is why I love you." She mutters. He chuckles and shakes his head. "Love you too, Blondie."


"Woo hoo! I win again!" Lucy chuckles from her place at a bar stool when she hears Sting shout happily at winning, yet another, game of cards against Laxus. "You should probably go sit with Laxus before he kills Sting." Mira giggles to the blond woman as she watches Laxus tense and slowly sit up. Lucy nods with a smile and shuffles her way over to the three men. "Calm down, Laxus, it's just cards." Lucy giggles as she sits down next to him, watching as he plops down with a huff. "Hey, Blondie!" Sting grins widely. She smiles back at him and waves to Rogue when he gives her a nod in greeting. "Hi, Lucy-San!" Both Frosch and Lector say with smiles. She smiles back and hugs them tightly before letting go and leaning against the love of her life.

"So how's the baby doin'?" Sting asks as he shuffles the cards. Lucy smiles while closing her eyes. "Wendy says it's healthy. Though, she was acting kinda weird when she was checking it earlier." She replies. "Weird how?" Rogue asks, eying the blond woman. She opens her eyes to look back at the shadow dragon. "It was like she wanted to tell me something, but then said it was nothing and left." She shrugs and closes her eyes again.

After that they just left it alone. It was quiet at the table for a bit until the Sabertooth mages said their farewells and left.

Lucy timidly looks up at her relaxed lover. "Um, Laxus?" He grunts in response. "Do I seem bigger than normal to you?" She bites her bottom lip while sitting up a bit. He cracks an eyes open and glances at her, his eyes slowly roaming down her body until he reaches her stomach. After a bit, he opens both eyes an stares into hers. "Not really." He admits calmly. She smiles at him and nods. "I'll be right back, I'm hungry." She says before kissing his cheek and standing up.

She wobbles her way over to the bar and takes a seat next to Freed, waiting for the green haired man and the barmaid to finish talking. She smiles at Mira and Freed when they smile at her. "What can I get you, Lucy?" Mira asks as she turns her attention to the blond. "Something sweet, but also salty. And a lot of it. Also a beer." She giggles when Mira smiles and shakes her head. "Right away, I'll bring it to you when it's ready." Lucy nods and stands up, quickly kissing Freed's cheek and heading back over to Laxus.

She plops down beside him with a huff. "Can we get pizza for supper tonight?" She asks Laxus while looking up at him. He just smirks and chuckles. "Of course, Blondie." He says as he kisses the top of her head. She smiles when Mira walks over with her order and places it in front of her. She thanks the white haired woman and looks down at the food. "I don't think alcohol is the best thing for you." Laxus raises and eyebrow at her when she smacks his arm. "I'm not stupid! It's for you." She grumbles as he starts to stuff her face with the delicious food.

He smirks and grabs it. "For me? Aw, you shouldn't have!" He says loudly and hugs her tightly. He can hear her small attempt at a growl and let's her go. "Yeah, I really shouldn't have." She mumbles around her fork. He chuckles and kisses her cheek. "I love you, Blondie." He smiles softly. She rolls her eyes as a small smile forms on her lips. "Love you too, ass."

Laxus laughs and takes a sip of his drink. "I know you love my ass." He smirks as she nudges his shoulder with hers. "I do, but you know what I meant." She smirks back. He laughs again and kisses her lips softly, pulling back and raising an eyebrow. "How can you eat something so salty?" He licks his lips before sitting back. Lucy shrugs. "No idea." She admits before chowing down again.

Laxus stretches before he finishes his drink. "You almost done? I wanna go home." She nods and takes the last bite. "So, pizza when we get home?" She smiles hopefully. He chuckles and nods his head. "You're ridiculous sometimes." He says before standing up, helping Lucy to do the same. "Don't blame me, it's your fault too y'know, you put the baby in me." She giggles and laces her fingers with his as they walk out of the guild and into the night. "I know, I'm the one who created a monster.." He sighs dramatically. "I don't think the baby is a monster." She rolls her eyes at him when he smirks down at her. "I wasn't talking about the baby." He mutters loud enough for her to hear and chuckles when she glares at him and yells.


Never realized it till today but it's been over a year since I started writing this! Thank you everyone who has been reading it since the beggining, you have no idea how happy I am. Over 1000 votes and almost 30,000 reads, wow. It really makes me proud of myself. I love you all!

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