Chapter 6

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~Normal POV~

Lucy quickly turns her head and sees a fuming fire dragon slayer at the doors, his fists covered in fire. "Natsu!" She yells and steps away from Laxus. Natsu goes charging towards the older slayer, ready to attack but stops when Lucy steps in front of him. "What the hell?! Move Luce!" He shouts at the blond woman. She shakes her head. "No! Why are you trying to hurt him anyway?!" She asks angrily. "Because he was going to kiss you!" He shouts. "So?" She crosses her arms. "Why would he kiss you?!" Lucy rolls her eyes. 'So dense.' "Probably because we are dating." She states. His eyes go wide. "What? When?" Lucy sighs. "When we were on the mission, we started dating." She says.

Natsu then storms out of the guild. 'That damn bastard!' He thinks angrily, 'I was going to confess to her today...'

Lucy turns back to Laxus. "I'm sorry.." She whispers. He smiles softly and wraps his arms around her. "Don't be." She smiles into his hard chest and nods. "I love you Laxus." She murmurs. "Love you too Blondie." He kisses the top of her head.


It has been a year since Laxus and Lucy have started dating. She also decided to move in with him. Natsu left about 2 months ago saying that he was going to train. Lucy has also gotten closer to Laxus' team. Her and Freed share some things in common and he admires her intelligence. Bixlow always teases her over stupid stuff and Evergreen is happy to have a girl to talk to. A month after Natsu left, she joined the Thunder Legion.

Lucy stares down at the small white box in her hands. 'I hope he will like it.' She thinks to herself as she ties a blue bow to the present she had for the man she loved. She walked out of their room and searched for Laxus. "Laxus?" She called. "In the kitchen!" She hears him shout. She smiles and walks towards the kitchen, leaning against the counter and watching as he prepared breakfast. She absolutely loved his cooking. He never told her about his cooking skills until a few months after they got together when he made her dinner.

Laxus looked at her and held out a plate full of food. She smiled and gladly took it with one hand. She walked over to the dining table and set her plate down. Laxus walked over to her and kissed her lips. She sighed contentedly and pulled away. "Happy anniversary." He says and kisses her forehead. She smiles brightly at him. "Happy anniversary! I got you something." She smiled while blushing slightly. He smirked. "Thanks babe, you didn't have to get me anything." He grabbed the rectangular box when she offered it to him. Before he opened it, she grabbed his hand and led him towards the couch. They say down and Laxus looked at her. "I got you something as well." He chuckles. "Great! I'll open it after you open yours." She smiles.

He looks down at the box and pulls away the ribbon. He lifts up the lid and glances down at the item in the box. His eyes go wide and he quickly looks up at Lucy. "R-really?" He whispers. Lucy nods quickly as tears came to her eyes. Laxus' own tears came as he puts the box down and pulls Lucy into a tight hug. "I'm so happy." He whispers. She giggles and hugs back. He leans back and puts a hand on her stomach. "Y-you're really pregnant?" He whispers again. She rolls her eyes. "Well I wouldn't give you a fake pregnancy test." She jokes. He chuckles and kisses her softly.

He pulls away and hugs her again. "I love you so much." Lucy sighs and hugs him as well. "I love you too Laxus." They stay like that for a while until Lucy pulls away with a smirk. "So when do I get my present?" She giggles. Laxus rolls his eyes and reaches into his pocket. He pulls out a small black box and opens it.

He slides off the couch and gets onto one knee in front of Lucy. She gasps and puts a hand over her mouth. "Lucy Heartfilia, will you give me the honor of marrying me?" He asks softly. Tears fall from her eyes and she quickly nods. "Y-yes!" She says happily. He sits back onto the couch and she hold out her left hand. He slides the gold ring onto her finger and Lucy tackles him in a hug, covering his face with kisses.

They hear the front door open to reveal their team. Bixlow laughs. "Are we interrupting?" He teases. Lucy blushes and gets off Laxus, standing up to greet her team. "U-umm no, I was just happy is all." She says sheepishly. Lucy turns to look at Evergreen when she herd the fairy Mage gasp. "Lucy! You're pregnant?!" She asks as she eyes the pregnancy test on the coffee table. Lucy nods. "Yup! Also," Lucy says as she holds out her left hand. Evergreen squeals and runs over to the blond, tackling her into a tight hug. "Oi! Don't squeal like that!" Laxus grumbles as he rubs the side of his head.

Bixlow and Freed walk over to the slayer and pat him on the back. "Congrats man!" Bixlow says as he sticks his tongue out. Laxus chuckles. "Thanks man."

Their day went on as normal, except Evergreen wouldn't stop talking about wedding plans to Lucy, which only made the blond woman chuckle. After a few hours the team left and Lucy went to their room to grab a lacrima. She called Wendy over to check on her. When the little sky dragon heard the news, she smiled widely and rushed over.

When Wendy arrived, all three of them sat on the couch as she checked Lucy to make sure nothing was wrong. Wendy said that she was 2 months along. She did another check and furrowed her eyebrows.

"Something's not right here.."

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