Chapter 16

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IMPORTANT: Hello my lovelies! I hope you've all enjoyed my story throughout the years. Im very sorry to say this, but this will be the last chapter. I'll make it a longer chapter so don't hate me! Also, long authors note at the end. You don't have to read it if you don't want to. It'll just be mushy crap and thanks. Anyways, on to the story! Also, I'm adding the Christmas special to this chapter since I didn't post it on the 25th.

Lucy was excited. This was her third Christmas while together with Laxus, and her first with Kei. She couldn't be happier as she made her way to her son's room and woke him up. She gave a soft smile as the baby wined a little before calming down.

"Time to wake up daddy." There was a devious glint in her eyes as her smile grew large. She carried Kei to her room and spotted the sleeping man in their bed, snores drifting from him as he rolled so he was on his back. She climbed  on the bed and started jumping around while yelling "It's Christmas! Wakey wakey, Laxy-Poo!"

Laxus groaned and opened his eyes, reaching up and grabbing his fiancé's wrist before gently pulling her down to sit on top of him. His eyes met large brown ones filled with mirth and bright green ones filled with glee. "Well good morning to you too, Blondie." He chuckled and leaned up to give her a short kiss.

They both got off the bed and made their way to the living room where a large brightly lit tree sat in the corner. They sat in front of it and Lucy gave Kei to Laxus. She quickly left and returned not a moment later with her hands behind her back. When Laxus gave her a questioning look, she giggled and placed a Santa hat on his head.

She smiled brightly went Laxus scowled. "Just for this morning! Pretty please? It's not like anyone will see you."

Laxus gave a heavy sigh. "Fine. But you better not say anything or I'll shock you."

Lucy giggled and agreed, taking Kei from him and placing him in her lap. Laxus reached forward and was about to grab a present for Lucy when there was a sharp knock on their door.

"We just can't catch a break." Laxus sighed and stood up, seemingly forgetting that he was wearing the hat as he made his way to the door. When he opened it though, he glared at the people standing there before shutting it right after. "Door salesman." Was all he said before sitting back down.

Lucy sighed and rolled her eyes, already knowing that it was not a salesman. She stood up and made her way to the door and opened it, laughing when she saw who was there.

Sting stood there with a Santa costume on, beard and all, a large smile on his face. Lector and Frosch were beside him wearing elf suits, along with Rogue who looked frustrated. She couldn't help but laugh harder as Rogue blushed a deep shade of red.

"We come bearing gifts!" Sting bellows and makes his way inside, the other three following. "Me and my elves decided to stop by and make sure little Kei here got plenty of presents for his first Christmas!"

"Elves?" Lucy giggles and stares at Rogue.

"Our master said it was an order, and that if we didn't do it he'd send us on constant job requests without a break for three months." Rogue growls and crosses his arms.

"Quiet down now my elf, we all know you like it." Sting chuckled and placed a large red bag on the ground. "But do not fret, Santa brought gifts for everyone, except Sparky. He's been very naughty this year."

Laxus rolls his eyes and makes his way over to everyone. He gives Sting a large grin before pulling Lucy to his side. "I already have something that's better than anything you've ever given or received." He leaned down and gives Lucy a large kiss before turning back to Sting.

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