Chapter 15

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Aaaand I'm back. Coming at you with another chapter of this wonderful story! I'm not entirely sure when I will be ending this story, most likely soon as I will probably run out of ideas sooner or later. However I am planning on writing another Laxus and Lucy story! But I will tell you that I promise to make a Christmas special for this story on the 25th. Now, on to the story!

Lucy quietly giggled to herself as she tied Laxus' hair into another small ponytail. She had noticed that it was getting quite long and decided to pull a little prank on him. She knew it would probably bite her in the ass later but she would still enjoy herself while it lasted. It had been a while since she was awake while both Laxus and Kei slept which means that what she was doing now was such a rare opportunity. It wasn't that she didn't like that his hair was getting longer, in fact she thought it made him look ten times more gorgeous - not that he wasn't before.

After she was satisfied with the dozen or so ponytails in his hair, she snuck into the bathroom that was attached to their bedroom and walked back out with her makeup kit in had. Yeah, Laxus was gonna kill her. She sits on the edge of the bed and opens up the kit, chuckling while pulling out some bright red lipstick and gold eye shadow. She gently applied them onto his lips and eyelids before putting them back and taking out some blush and eyeliner. She had to bite her cheek to keep from laughing as she made a larger than necessary line across his eyelid.

After she was finished, she placed the kit back inside the washroom and headed to Kei's room. She noticed that he was already awake and gave him a warm smile as she picked him up. "You're daddy is going to kill me." She laughed and made her way to the kitchen. She placed Kei in a highchair and grabbed a bottle from the cupboard and baby formula from the pantry. She added the powder to the bottle with some warm water and shook it. She walked over to Kei and kissed him on the forehead before holding the bottle for him as he drank.

When he was finished she placed the bottle down and picked him up, patting his back until he burped then placing him back in the chair. She walked over to the fridge and grabbed a carton of orange juice and started drinking from it. She saw Laxus enter the kitchen and spat the juice all over the floor as a laugh burst from her mouth.

"The hell's so funny? And I'm not cleaning that." He raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms over his bare chest.

Lucy was now gasping for breath as she couldn't seem to contain her laughter. "M..M..Mir.. Mirror!" She managed to gasp out.

Laxus made his way to the bathroom and turned on the lights, instantly turning them back off when he saw his reflection. He stormed back to the kitchen and saw his fiancé rolling around on the ground. "This isn't funny!" He growled and lifted her up. He rolled his eyes and dropped her again when all that happened was she laughed harder, tears rolling down her face.

Lucy was panting by the time she finally stood up. She whipped the tears from her eyes and glanced at Laxus, he was not happy. An evil grin curled onto her lips as she heard a sharp knock on their front door. Laxus' eyes widened and he started chasing her when she booked it to the front door. She grasped the doorknob and squealed when his arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her away.

The door burst open, revealing a panicked Sting and a worried Rogue. Everyone froze. Sting and Rogue stared at the scene in front of them. Laxus in his pajama pants with makeup plastered all per his face, holding a red faced Lucy with tears in her eyes. Laxus put Lucy down and cleared his throat.

Sting snapped out of his shock and burst out laughing at the sight of Laxus. Rogue had to bite his tongue to keep from laughing himself. "G-Good morning." Rogue stutters, clearing his throat. "Are you alright Lucy? It looks like you were crying."

As Sting heard those word his laughter died and he was inches from Laxus, glaring at his gold coved eyes. "Did you hurt her?!" He yelled, ready to attack.

Lucy giggles as Laxus rolled his eyes. "No I was just laughing really hard. What brings you guys here?" She asks as the two walk inside and they all head to the kitchen, Laxus going to the bathroom to wash his face and fix his hair.

"We were on a mission and decided to stop by." Sting smiled, tickling Kei's stomach a little.

"Oh I see. Well thanks for stopping by, I'm sure Kei is happy to see his two favorite uncles." Lucy beamed at the two slayers.

Their eyes widened slightly at what she said and smiles plaster onto their faces.

Laxus entered the kitchen not too long after with his face cleaned. "I never agreed to something like that. Rogue, sure. Sting, no." Laxus stated, plopping on a stool.

Sting pouted. "Whatever, an uncle means she sees me as a brother so if she doesn't see me as a brother then I can still have a chance with her." Sting grinned widely.

Laxus glared at Sting. "Never gonna happen buddy. We're getting married soon and we already have a child. You're chances of getting her are zero."

Lucy chuckled as the two blonde men continued to argue and she turned her attention to Rogue who was side glancing Kei. "You can hold him." She suddenly said, causing the dark haired man to look up at her in shock.

"Are you sure?" He asked quietly. At her nod, he reached down and lifted the small child, cradling him in his arms with a soft smile on his face.

The other two men stopped arguing as they noticed the moment happening between the baby and Rogue. Sting had never seen Rogue look at someone with such adoration.

"You look like you'd make a good dad." Sting suddenly said, smiling brightly at his partner who blushes slightly.

"Shut up, Sting."

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