Chapter 10

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Whoop whoop, I'm back and ready to write! Hope you like the new chapter!

Sting peeks into the Fairy Tail guild stealthily, scanning the area to make sure it was clear of Laxus. When he didn't see the massive dragon slayer, he grins and walks in. He spots Lucy sitting at a table alone with a small pout on her face. He can't help but blush lightly at how cute she looked. He walks over to her and plops himself next to her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "Hey Blondie, why the long face? Did that wanna be dragon slayer leave you? Don't worry! I'll take good care of you!" He states proudly.

Lucy sighs and glances up at the grinning blonde man. "No, he just went on a mission and it's been a week. I miss him.." She pouts.

Sting purses his lips and stands up, holding a hand out to her. "How about we hang out today? Just us." He smiles when she grabs his hand and smiles brightly, wobbling slightly as she stands.

"Woah, definitely not used to being seven months pregnant." She giggles lightly. He chuckles in response and leads her out of the guild hand in hand.

"Like fairs?" He asks. She nods and he grins, leading her to the fair just off to the east side of Magnolia. "Great, I was hoping you'd say that."

They make it to the fair and Lucy's eyes light up at the sight. "Oh wow! It's so beautiful!" She says happily. She then glances at Sting with a raised eyebrow. "Don't you have motion sickness?"

He chuckles. "We won't be going on too many rides and last week Wendy made me some motion sickness pills, which they work awesome." He leads her to a small shooting game and places some jewel on the counter, handing her a plastic gun. "Alright Blondie, all you gotta do is knock one of those prizes off of the shelf and then they're yours!" He explains.

Lucy nods and aims carefully at a stuffed bear on the shelf. She shoots all three bullets at it but pouts when it wasn't knocked down. "This isn't fair, there's no way I can knock that down!"

The man running the stand smirks at her. "Aw don't be such a sore loser, Little Miss!" He cackles slightly.

Sting raises an eyebrow at the man, paying him again and this time taking the gun for himself. He aims at the bear carefully and without the greasy man noticing, adds a little of his magic to the pellet in the plastic gun to give it a bigger boost. He fires and the stand owner's eyes widen when the bear gets knocked off in one shot. Sting then aims at a small white dragon plushy and fires another shot, knocking that down easily as well. He spots a necklace with a white heart attached to it and fires at that as well, knocking it down to fall with the other two items. Sting smirks at the man and places the gun down. "My prizes please?"

The man stutters slightly and then hands Sting the items. Lucy smiles brightly when Sting hands her the bear. "Thank you so much!" She blushes slightly when he places the necklace around her neck with a soft smile.

"A beautiful necklace for an even more beautiful woman." He clutches the dragon in one hands and grabs her hand with his free one, leading her around the fair.

After a few hours of just wondering around the fair, they decided to leave when the sun started setting. They walk hand in hand to a small forest and come across a clearing. They take a seat in the middle to watch the setting sun. "I had a great time, Sting. You're an amazing friend."

He sighs at that. "I honestly would have loved to be more than your friend but I see how happy you are with Laxus so it's all okay." He smiles at her softly.

She smiles back. "I'm glad, Sting. Thank you so much for today." She leans over to him and gives him a kiss on the cheek, causing him to blush. She pulls back when she hears a booming shout.

"Lucy?!" Said blonde turned to stare into the furious eyes of her boyfriend, Laxus.

Hope you all liked it, I'll try my best to update more and more from now on but no promises. Shoutout to Denka4 for the idea!

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