chapter 2

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Silence filled the whole guild. "What?!" Natsu yelled.

 Lucy tilts her head to the side. "What's wrong?"

 "What's wrong is that you are going on a mission with him! Why him of all people? He hurt you Luce!" Natsu yelled angrily.

 Lucy starts getting annoyed and stomps over to Natsu. "That may be true, but I forgave him a long time ago. It was just one time he did Natsu, he's changed now!" 

"You can't go with him! He's bad! What if he tries to hurt you again?" He asks while glaring at an annoyed Laxus. 

"You have no right to tell me what to do, and he is not bad Natsu! I trust him." Before he could say anymore, Lucy walked over to Laxus, grabbed his hand, and dragged him out of the guild.

As they were walking to her apartment, Laxus stopped her and pulled her into a hug. She was shocked, "L-Laxus?"

He pulls away, "Sorry, you were mad and I just thought... You know..." He starts to blush. 

She blushes as well "I-It's fine." She looks down. 

It was silent for a bit until Laxus spoke again, "You should probably go pack." 

She looks up at him and tilts her head. "For how long?"

He smirks at her "A month."

Her eyes widen at that. "A m-month?!" she asks in shock. 

He chuckles, "Yup, now get your ass movin' Blondie." His smirk grows as she pouts. "I'll meet you at the train station in one hour. Don't be late!" He calls to her as he walks away while giving a small wave. 

She rolls her eyes and heads to her apartment. Once she gets there, she calls Virgo. "Open! Gate of the maiden, Virgo!"

A bright gold light appears in front of her. "Punishment, Princess?" Virgo bows.

 Lucy pinches the bridge of her nose. "How many times do I have to say no punishment? Anyway, can you pack a months worth of clothes for me please?"

Virgo nods and gets to work. After about fifteen minutes she finishes. "I am all done princess. punishment?" Virgo asks hopefully. 

Lucy shakes her head. "No Virgo. You can go back now, thanks." The maid spirit then disappears. "Hmm what to do. I still have about forty-five minutes left. Ah! I'll write a bit of my novel!" Lucy says to herself then walks over to her desk. After thirty minutes of writing, she looks at the clock and grabs her bag then heads to the train station.

Laxus was over the moon, he couldn't believe Lucy had agreed to spend a month together with him. He was making his way to the train station, and once he got there, he could see Lucy sitting on a bench. He buys two tickets, brushes the wrinkles out of his clothes and heads over to her. Once he reached her, he gives her his signature smirk. "Hey Blondie," She looks up and him and smiles. He felt his heart flutter at the way her smile seamed to lighten his mood. 

"Hello Sparky!" She grins. 

He rolls his eyes. "C'mon, let's get going." He says as he starts walking to the train. God, did he hate trains. 

"Wait, I need to buy a ticket." She tugs on his sleeve. 

He looks back at her with a smile. "Don't worry, I bought us both a ticket." 

She blushes. "Th-Thanks." She mumbles and he nods, getting on the train with her in tow.

They found a free seat and sat down, but when the train started moving, Laxus' face turned green. Lucy giggles lightly and pats her lap. when he looked at her weirdly, she rolled her eyes and grabbed his head and put in on her lap.

He was confused and blushing lightly. "It always works when Nastu has motion sickness so maybe it'll work on you." She smiled down at him. 

He hated the idea of her comparing him to that idiot but in the moment he didn't seem to care. All that mattered was that he was so close her. He felt so relaxed, she was running her fingers through his hair and rubbing is belly with her other hand, he got a wonderful smell of her scent. 'Strawberry's and vanilla.' He thought with a small smile.

He soon fell asleep with a contented sigh.

Lucy stared down at the sleeping form of the man in her lap and a small blush stained her cheeks. 'He's so cute when he's sleeping.' She thought. 'I wonder if he feels the same way about me as I do about him...'

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