Chapter 14

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BOI I thought 2 months was bad holy shiza I need to stop forgetting this story exists. I mean, there's lots of fans and I'm just dottling away like some idiot. I mean 43k holy man. Never thought I'd make it that far. ALSO Y'ALL NEED TO STOP HATING ON MY STING AND LUCY SHIP. Anyways, after 9 very long months, 2 or 3 broken phones(1 laptop), and a crap ton of work, here's chapter 14! Enjoy.

Lucy was skipping happily along the road, Laxus not far behind. Lucy had a huge smile on her face while Laxus tried his best not to look excited.

"Can you believe it?" Lucy beamed up at Laxus, latching onto his arm and resting her head against it. "We finally get to take Kei home!"

"Yeah." Laxus grunted. "And he better enjoy the room I worked so hard on." He added, remembering how frustrating it was to build the crib while Lucy laughed at him as she painted the walls.

"Jeez Sparky, don't sound too excited about it." She rolled her eyes, her smile growing as the hospital came into sight.

Laxus gave her a small shove and glares at her. "What'd I say about calling me that?"

She giggles. "You said not to. But you can't make me stop calling you that."

"Is that a challenge?" He grins.

"Nope!" She flicks his nose and jogs into the hospital, Laxus quickly following. She stops at the front desk and smiles brightly at the woman sitting there. The woman smiles back, already knowing the two since they went there everyday. She nodded at them and they walked down a long hallway until they reached a door with a small butterfly on it. "You ready?" She asks. Laxus nods and grabs her hand. They walk in and see a nurse dressing their baby.

The nurse turns when she hears the door open. "Ah hello Mr. and Mrs. Dreyar. Kei is almost ready to go."

Lucy blushes slightly. "Ah, we're not married yet. We wanted to wait until after the baby was born." The nurse nods and finishes up what she was doing before gently handing the child over to Lucy. Kei looked up at her and instantly smiled. "Oh, isn't he just the cutest? He's got your hair and eyes." Lucy looks up at Laxus, who was gazing at the baby.

"Yeah. But he's got your dazzling smile." He chuckles and kisses the top of her head. They both thank the nurse and make their way out of the hospital.


After they finally made it back to the house and played with Kei for a bit, they put him to bed and cuddled on the couch for a while.

"Y'know, I never thought that I'd actually start a family with someone. I was always such a jerk to everyone, even to my own grandfather. Well, there was this one girl that I met a long time ago that I didn't hate." Laxus chuckled and wrapped his arm that was around her a little more tightly.

"Tell me about her." Lucy looked up at him.

"Well, there's not much to tell. I only talked with her for a small amount of time. But when I first met her, she ran right into me and I was about to rip whoever it was throat out." He sighed with a small smile. "When I looked to see who it was, it was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen in my entire life." A small pang of jealousy hit Lucy at that. "And to make things kinda weird though, she was in a bunny costume." Realization then crossed Lucy as she remembered the incident of the book and her running into him. "But, I never saw her after that. She was very sweet and funny. I wish I could have met her one last time. She actually looked a lot like you Lucy." He looked down at her and saw a small blush on her cheeks and gave her a questioning look.

She then stated laughing which made Laxus even more confused. "This may sound weird, but when Natsu and the rest of us were cleaning the storage, I fell off a ladder and they all tried to catch me. We touched a book and all got transported back in time. Erza put me in a bunny suit so no one would 'see my true self' as we looked for Natsu and Gray since they ran off, as usual. I ended up running into you and tried to act like we never met before but I feel like I made a complete fool of myself."

Laxus stared at her for a while in disbelief. "So this whole time the bunny girl I've been searching for was right in front of me this entire time." Laxus sighed and had to laugh at the whole ordeal. "Guess you can't get mad at me for sometimes thinking of that moment while we were together since it was you."

Lucy glared at him and smacked his arm. "I can get mad that you thought it was a different woman then thought of the moment!"

Laxus chuckled as she continued to hit him. He pushed her over on the couch and hovered above her. He silenced her with a kiss. "You'll always be my number one gal though." He whispered.

She smiled and rolled her eyes, but sighed when they heard Kei start to cry.

"I'll get used to you being an ass but I won't get used to that." She muttered.

And that's the end of chapter 14. I'll try my best to update more often. Sorry!

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