Chapter 4

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Lucy sat on her bed, lost in thought. She wondered if Laxus liked her. She couldn't help but notice that he'd been acting a bit strange around her, but not around other girls. Maybe it was because it's awkward for him since they didn't talk much before this mission? "Ugh, why did I have to fall for Laxus?" She wined.

Her eyes widened and she looked at her closed door. She hoped that he didn't hear that. But, with him being a Dragon Slayer and all,  he probably could hear her.

She stared at the door for a bit longer before she stood up and quietly walked over to it. She slowly open it and a deep blush plasters itself onto her face when she saw Laxus standing there, wide eyes and a faint blush on his face. "L-Laxus! Y-you wouldn't have happen to hear w-what I said, d-" She was cut off as he grabbed her wrist and pulled her out of her room, straight into his chest.

Lucy's blush deepened in colour when she felt him wrap his arms around her waist. "You don't know how long I've been waiting to hear you say that." He whispers.

Lucy smiled and slightly pulled away from the hug. He looked down at her with a smile and a slight flush to his cheeks, nothing close to Lucy's- which could easily rival a tomato. He slowly leaned down and she closed her eyes. Their lips were just inches apart, she could feel his hot breath fan across her lips. This is the moment she'd been waiting for. He leaned forward and-

There was a sharp knock on the door and Laxus pulled away with a scowl. "Damnit! I was so close!" He says angrily.

Lucy giggled and kissed his cheek before walking past him and towards the door. As she was walking away, she could hear him cursing under his breath and she shook her head while chuckling.

Laxus was upset. He was so close to finally kissing the woman of his dreams and she just slipped from his fingers. He decided that when she came back, he'd definitely get that kiss, and she'd be his. He grinned to himself at the thought of finally being with Lucy.

He heard a scream but it quickly got cut off, causing Laxus to panic. He ran towards the door to see a man in a cloak carrying an unconscious Lucy. He growled and as he got ready to attack the intruder, he disappeard. "No!" He yells as he ran to the door. He looked down both sides of the hallway and I couldn't see them anywhere.

He dropped down onto his knees in slight defeat. That man took her. He took the only woman Laxus had loved away from him. But who was that guy? Maybe a part of the dark guild? He bet that they found out that the mayor hired them and then tracked them down.

He stood up and took a deep breath. Nothing. He couldn't pick up her scent. He closed the door and ran out of the hotel. He sniffed again. Nothing. He ran to the middle of the town and inhaled again. Nothing.

Where was she? He ran to the nearest forest and went to a big opening, and once again inhaled. Her scent was faint, but it's there. He ran in the direction of where he could smell her, and after a few minutes of running, he got inpatient and turned into lighting to get there quicker.

He stopped behind some bushes as he spotted a guild. Most likely the dark guild him and Lucy had to take down. It was pretty big. He noticed a flash of blonde hair in the corner of his eye and looked towards it to find Lucy struggling in a mans hold as he brings her inside of the guild.

His heart drops as he heard her calling his name, for him to help her, save her. Once the man was inside, he walked out of the bushes. He needed to make a plan. Or he could just bust in there. Yeah, that sounded good.

He ran up to the doors and kicked them down with a powerful force. Anger shot through him at the sight that he was greeted with.

A man sat on a thrown with Lucy in his lap, her wrists tied behind her back with what he can assume were magic concealing cuffs and her clothes torn up as tears streamed down her cheeks. "Ah, you must be her partner. Laxus, right?" The man smirks as he puts his hand on Lucy's cheek.

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