Chapter 3

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Laxus slowly opened his eyes and looked up. 'Why'd she stop?' He sees her sleeping face and smiles. He really wanted her to be his, but he didn't think she liked him because of what he did in the past. However, she did defend him when Natsu had said those things about him.

'Maybe I'll tell her how I feel during the mission.' Scratch that, he thought, it would probably be weird. He groaned and placed a hand on his face, thinking he sounded like some teenager finally hitting puberty.

'I wanna be with her. I wanna marry her, I wanna have a family with her, I want her to kiss me good morning, I want her to kiss me goodnight. I want her to say she loves me so I can say it back. I want all of these things but I don't know if I can have them.'

He had done such horrible things to her in the past. Sure, she said that she forgave him but that didn't mean he forgave himself. He still felt like he needed to atone for his sins. And yes, he was kicked out of the guild for a long time, but out of all of the people he hurt, he wanted to apologize to Lucy the most. He couldn't help but think that he hurt her the most out of everyone.

He felt a slight shift and looked up at her to see that she was waking up. Her nose scrunched up a bit and her cheeks got a little flushed, her plump and pink lips moving against each other. Her eyes slowly flutter open, her chocolate brown orbs shining in the sun.

She looks down at him, brown staring into green. She smiled and he mentally cursed when he felt his cheeks heating up a bit. "M-Mornin' Blondie." He looked away and sat up.

"Morning. How much longer 'till we get there?" She tilts her head.

He thought for a bit before responding, "I'd say about ten minutes." He looked at her once the blush left his face.

She nodded at him. "What's the mission about by the way? You never told me." She asks while scooting a bit closer to him.

He couldn't help but wonder what her lips would feel like if he kissed her right then. 'Stop.' "We're supposed to fight a dark guild. They have some weird ancient magic and their guild has something to do with the constellations so the requester wanted a Celestial Mage to help." He explained.

She nods again. "It would only make sense to request a Celestial Mage to do this since it has to do with constellations." She smiles at him and he gave a small one back.

The speakers go off telling them they arrived to their destination. They got off of the train and headed to the mayor's home. They arrive there and stop in front of some gates. Lucy smiles at the guard. "Hello, we are mages from Fairy Tail responding to your request."

The guard looked at her from head to toe which made Laxus quite upset. 'He better stop checking out my Blondie or else he's gonna get a lightning fist to the jaw.'

The guard smirks at her. "Of course missy, go right on in." He opens the gate for her. She walks past him and Laxus could see that he looked at her rear. As Laxus walked past him, he sent the man a glare and saw him flinch at the intensity burning in the Slayer's eyes.

He quickly caught back up to Lucy and she smiles at him. "You know he was checking you out right?" He says, annoyed.

"Aw, is someone jealous?" She giggles and pinches his cheek.

He growls and pushes her hand away. "No way would I be jealous."

She rolls her eyes. "Oh yeah, you're Laxus, the great Thunder God!" She laughs.

He flicks her forehead. "Shut it."

They make it inside and head to the mayor's office. He talks about the dark guild and how they are working on something that has to do with the constellations. He says he knows that because a rumour was going around the town. After their meeting, the two Mages leave in search of a hotel.

After what felt like hours of waking, they finally found one and went inside. "Hello." Lucy smiles at the man behind the desk.

He looks up at her and smiles. "Hello there." He looks at Laxus but then looks back at Lucy. Laxus could swear that all of the males in the town were perverted. Either that or they had no beautiful women.

"We would like a room for two please." She says.

"Certainly." He grabs a key and hands it to her.

She says her thanks to the man and they go to the room that the man told them to. Laxus opens the the door and it was surprisingly quite large. They walk in and Lucy heads to one of the rooms. He heads to to the other room -which was conveniently next to hers- and places his bag on the bed.

He left his room to check out the rest of the place and as he walked past Lucy's room, he stoped dead in his tracks and his eyes widen when he heard her say something in particular behind her closed door.

'Blondie loves me?'

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